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Nero Doag

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About Nero Doag

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  1. I joined your TS and it was empty.... Saw the player list and Theroson was in your clan. Just letting you know on the clan I joined before he "Scammed one of our members, if you want more information here's our TS IP - Not advertising or anything, just a friendly warning.
  2. Nero Doag

    Sick of going alone

    Hey guys, I'm 15 looking for 2-3 more players to face the world of DayZ with. Me and my friend are sick of playing alone, we would love for some other people to join us. We live in the UK and mainly play epoch, hit me up on the forums if you want to join us or add me on Skype : Dante. This is by no means a clan, play-styles ETC don't really matter to us, whether you're a bandit or hero. It's just a group, building bases kicking asses and having fun. Good luck out there! - Dante
  3. Mic - Of course In-game name - Dante Age - 15 Mature - Decide for yourself, can you judge yourself without being biased? Experienced - Since release Type of play - ( your play-style ) If position, I prefer sniper/scout. Actual play-style I try to be a general hunter/hero but we all know DayZ When I can play - 4-11 most days, also weekends Why I'm looking for a group - DayZ is clearly a grouped game, me and my friend are looking to join a semi/serious clan to get some cool epoch gaming started. Played epoch for about 3 months now, and we have never had a serious group who will listen, all they do is get us all killed.
  4. Application Name: Aidan Username: Dante Skype: Dante Age: 15 Timezone: GMT 0 (London) Primary Job: Preferably a scout role. Secondary Job: Any base building/loot run jobs would be fine. Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Semi/Serious Tactical realism Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: If accepted, of course my comrades :)
  5. Hey, My friend and I have been playing DayZ for well over a year and we're looking for some semi-serious people to play with. We have mics and team speak, though not a actual server. Mainly looking for some epoch team players, most clans we have joined have not really been for us. My skype is Dante, hit me up if you're interested. We live in the UK, GMT 0 for you nubs :)
  6. I added you on skype though we mainly use teamspeak, glad to see you aboard :)
  7. Been a member for a while now, the clan is consistent and fun. I would recommend anyone to join, we are welcome to any age :) If no-one is on, just wait someone should be on soon. Both English and American players across different time zones, you should never go alone! -Dante (My ts name)
  8. Hey im interested in joining if you havnt allready found someone, im 15, live in the uk and have skype and ts aswell as a decent computer and mic, lemme know if your interested
  9. Hey guys!, Nero here, im looking for 1 or 2 people to play dayz with. I have played dayz for about 8 months now, and i realised it kinda sucks being alone. Im 14, i live in london in the UK if your interested reply below. I prefer to use skype, though i have ts i dont have a server
  10. Hey, I would be definitely interested in joining this clan. I'm 14, i have played DayZ for about 8 months now, and your play style is very similar to my own, I currently live in london, GMT 0 and i have TS3 and Skype, aswell as a decent microphone and desktop, that can handle DayZ and overwatch. I normally prefer to snipe, but i understand alot of people in dayz to and if required, i will happily play another roll. Hoping to hear from you soon, Nero