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Everything posted by kekelpekel

  1. Hi, the link is working for me, but you can try cached version: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lmUtuTLR8YAJ:forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-933308.html%3Fsid%3Ddb436e5e5742fbe3aa5974f73fa3fdca+&cd=1&hl=cs&ct=clnk&gl=cz&client=firefox-a
  2. What about making list of websites wich offers *** and then ddosing them? I believe anyone can just ask google :(
  3. kekelpekel

    Arma II: Operation Arrowhead!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi buddy, you have to add more exclamation marks..
  4. kekelpekel

    Generic Low FPS thread

    There is my solution: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47876-new-fps-issues/#entry459171
  5. I had same problems before with Athlon II 4core at 2,9GHZ, 4GB ram. I tried all tweaks I found without real FPS boost. Then I bought I5 3570k and SSD disk (graphics card remained HD6850 1gb) and voila, game runs PERFECTLY. Now I can really enjoy DAYZ. It seems to me, that these 4core AMDs are not powerful enough to run it smoothly.
  6. kekelpekel

    Generic Low FPS thread

    Same problems here, I have AMD x4 2,9 / 4g ram / hd6850. Arma 2 OA is running perfectly, while most time in DAYZ I encouter huge FPS drops. Hope this get solved, because this is quite unplayable for me. Offcourse I tried all tweaks, running with parameters. WIN7/64b fresh install.