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About bigtoolz@hotmail.com

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  1. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Week 3 Ivan and Martin arrested. Show them you care

    Signed. Hope things go well. Chin up lads. Let the power of the Internet get you out.
  2. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Loaded Bandit Camp Coords!

    I can confirm that there are tents in the server at the given locations. I took the last of the mountain dew, but there is heaps of guns and ammo, a few ghillie suits & a little food and water. No NVG's or GPS. :-( Enjoy. Edit: I came back with some fuel cans and stole the bus too. Thanks again.
  3. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Nevermind. Just got killed by zombies.
  4. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I require medical assistance at the moment. Any help would be appreciated. PM me if you can help.
  5. I like the idea of "events". Maybe at Green Mountain or Black Mountain. Maybe have them triggered by having certain items (eg. Mountain Dew in Green Mountain) The pen and paper idea is brilliant. Would love to raid a tent and leave a note saying thanks. Better reasons to not kill on sight. I know some people don't like a skill tree. But maybe something that levels up fitness or how long it takes before you need to eat. (eg. When you first start you get hungry/thirsty quickly, can't sprint for long periods, nerves/shakes, ect. But as you keep playing and leveling your trees it increases and doesn't start again if you die)
  6. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    DayZ Medic Lets Play! (saving players anywhere)

    That's awesome work. Nice to see someone doing some good instead of killing. I'll think of you if I ever require help.
  7. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Arma 2 will not update to build 95883

    Finally in. I'd tryed the other methods from this forum but either couldn't get pass the multiplayer menu ( join button wouldn't do anything example. Would click it and it wouldn't join) or it said battleye failed. Sometimes I had the updates and sometimes I didn't. This worked perfectly. Thanks and here, have all my beans.
  8. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Green Mountain

    A friend of mine braved that mountain last night after I went to bed. Spoke to him today and he just sighs and says " I.... I can't talk about.... That mountain"
  9. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Neerg Mountain curse is spreading!!

    What's with the funny writing on Dingus? It must be the mountain.
  10. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Server reset question

    Thanks all. I've found around 5 within the last few days. Just have to keep an eye open then.
  11. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Server reset question

    What about heli crashes? I've found afew now but when I've gotten back into the same server then gone back to where it was it's gone. I thought they stayed in the same place.
  12. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    release that patch

    As much as the artifacting is a massive pain I've been able to loot the shit out of stary, Nth W airfield and heli crash sites without any other ppl around stuffing me up. I'm also aware that it'll be released when their ready. So as pooya-gojee said. DON'T WORRY GUYS, TAKE YOUR TIME.
  13. bigtoolz@hotmail.com

    Green mountain?

    That's it. The next time I'm on with my mate, we're going to trek up that mountain and see what all the fuss is. If we don't make it back please inform our loved ones about our horrific/heroic deaths.
  14. bigtoolz@hotmail.com Very Soon Please

    I thought I was supposed to hit a few days ago. I hate going into barracks and military tents. It's just so stressful now.