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Everything posted by therealbrandito

  1. Hello there! Just a bit about me: I'm 19, in the midwest US (i can usually play on UK servers with decent ping though), I play pretty often and have a good mic setup with TS3 and skype so we can stay in contact easily. I've played DayZ off and on for about 10 months, so I'm not a total noob or whatever, I'd just really like to play with a group/clan. Hero/Bandit doesn't matter to me. ;) (just so you know, I understand a lot of the game mechanics etc, I'm mostly just rusty on locations/navigation) I've played PC games (especially first person shooters) for about as long as I can remember, I always have a fun time playing and I can pick things up easily if you have any tips while we're playing. I'm not 100% serious when I'm talking, but I do take the game seriously and would be very loyal to whatever group would like to have me, especially on a populated server. You can PM me on here, or add me on Skype: therealbrandito I have vanilla DayZ, Origins, DayZero and Breaking Point installed, but I'm most familiar with vanilla and Origins is growing on me a lot. I'd prefer one of those but anything is fine. Thanks for your time! :D
  2. therealbrandito

    Looking for Night Time Players

    Add me on skype: therealbrandito I'd like to team up. I'm 19, like to have fun but still take the game seriously (just not too seriously). I game in general (but mostly dayz) from around 10pm to 6am EST. Hope to hear back from you!
  3. therealbrandito

    Looking For A Group/Clan To Play With!

    bump, still interested in making some dayz friends! again, feel free to PM me or add me on skype.
  4. therealbrandito

    Looking For a Buddy? Post Here!

    Name (or what you wish to be called by): Brandon Age: 19 Timezone: US Eastern Country: US What mods you play (i.e., Vanilla, Epoch, etc): Vanilla, Origins, Overwatch (for quick pvp fun), DayZero, and I've dabbled in Epoch, but I'm willing to give anything a chance. Play Schedule: Usually evenings/night time, I'm free to play usually 5 days out of the week (I do play other games though) Play Style: Neutral, Solo I'm friendly but I like to commit banditry with a group. Any Extra Info: Skype and Steam: therealbrandito
  5. therealbrandito

    Team Up?

    I'm 19, in US Eastern time zone and moderately experienced with DayZ vanilla, open to try any mods and team up with bandits! skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito PMs are welcome! :D
  6. this sounds amazing, i enjoy intoxication (wut), games, and fun times. I'm in us eastern time zone and can play pretty consistently, especially in the evenings. Playing with you guys sounds like a blast! I have a nice mic setup with skype and ts3 too. PM or add me for further info please? skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  7. Installing DayZero as I'm typing this, played vanilla for 10 month on and off due to hackers. I'm 19 and have a good mic setup with Skype/TS3 so communication will be easy. Mostly interested in vanilla and Origins but i'll play whatever! add or PM if you're interested please! skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  8. therealbrandito

    Looking for DayZ vanilla players

    I'm on US eastern time, 19, willing to play whatever mods. Great mic setup with Skype and TS3 PM or add me if interested! skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  9. therealbrandito

    Looking for players to join my origins group

    Hello, I'm 19 and have a great mic setup with Skype and TS3 so we could communicate easily. I'm on US eastern time, and can play pretty often. I played vanilla for about 10 months off and on, and now I'm jumping back into it as well as getting used to Origins, so this sounds like a good thread to reply to :P feel free to PM me on here, or add me: skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  10. therealbrandito

    Looking For a Clan (Dayz Origins,Taviana Map)

    Hello! I'm looking for a team as well, vanilla or origins. I played vanilla for about 10 months off and on but i'm back at it and getting into origins, so having a squad would help me learn/accomplish more haha. I'm 19, have a good mic setup with skype and ts3, and can play pretty consistently. if you're interested add me or PM on here! skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  11. Hello, I'd be very interested in playing sometime if you'd like. I played vanilla for about 10 months off and on, and am now getting into Origins. I'm willing to try whatever mods though, I'm all about fun times! I'm 19 and have a good mic setup with Skype and TS3. I'm not much of a pilot but I'm useful with guns, and driving is pretty much a piece of cake in dayz (in my opinion). I like to have fun and joke but I like to play seriously, and I feel like I would make a good addition to this group, if you guys would be interested in inviting me to play/helping me shave off the rustiness, it'd be much appreciated! PMs are welcome skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  12. therealbrandito

    Looking for Large Active Clan

    I'd like some sort of team as well. I'm 19, moderately experienced. Played DayZ vanilla for about 10 months off and on due to hackers/the bad internet i used to have. Getting more into Origins but willing to try any mod :D I have a great mic setup with TS3 and Skype so communication will be easy. :thumbsup: if you're interested in playing, PMs are welcome as well as adding me at the following: steam - therealbrandito skype - therealbrandito
  13. therealbrandito

    Need a Co-Player for My DayZ Series

    Added you on Skype, hope to talk soon!
  14. therealbrandito

    Insomnia Looking For Casual Squad Players

    Hello! I'm 19, from the US. I usually get around 100-120 ping on UK servers. I can play pretty often. I'm an audio engineer and I use my studio gear for VOIP, so quality is no issue. I have Skype, Steam, and TS3. I played vanilla DayZ for about 10 months off and on now, usually because of hackers ruining servers and I used to have an awful internet connection. I'm very into teamwork and cooperation, and of course I'm into having fun, why else would people play games? :p haha. I have DayZ, Origins, Epoch, Breaking Point, and DayZero installed but I mostly like vanilla and Origins (though i'm new to the sub-mods, please forgive the rustiness) If this interests you please PM me or add me on one of the following, I'd love to have a good squad/team to play with! steam - therealbrandito skype - therealbrandito Thanks for your time!
  15. therealbrandito

    Looking for a couple of people to play DayZ Origins with.

    Hello! I'm 19, based from midwest US. Solo i like to play hero, but I love playing with a bandit group. I'm an audio engineer so i use my studio gear for chat (in other words, quality isn't an issue). I have skype, steam, and ts3. Honestly it sounds like we'd get along pretty well. I like to joke and talk light-hearted but game seriously. I've played FPS's on PC for about as long as i can remember, and DayZ specifically for about 10 months off and on, due to hackers and such. I'm new to Origins but i really enjoy it, and I've seen plenty of videos on it so i have a good idea of how everything works, I'd just like to have a friend or 2 to play with. :D Not gonna lie, I can make some truly derpy mistakes but I like to make the best of my crappy situations in games (usually cause I don't have people to play with :/ ) feel free to add me if you are interested man! skype - therealbrandito steam - therealbrandito
  16. therealbrandito

    Want to Bandit vanilla or origins

    sorry for double posting, but i can't edit the above post. :p im 19, have a good mic setup with skype and ts3, can play pretty often. skype = therealbrandito add me if you're up for fun times! i usually like to play vanilla or origins.
  17. therealbrandito

    LooKing for more to play with

    played dayz for about 10 months off and on, semi-new to origins but i've seen lots of vids of it. i'm 19 and have a great mic setup, skype, and TS3. if you guys would like to game some time you can add my skype: therealbrandito thanks for your time! :D
  18. therealbrandito

    Looking for people to join me on Origins!

    already favorited that server, I'll play on it if a group would be willing to welcome me :D 19, good mic setup/Skype/TS3, bandit/hero doesn't matter, and I'll be absolutely loyal to any group who would have me. skype = therealbrandito PM's are welcome as well!
  19. therealbrandito

    LF bandit clan

    same! im 19 and can play often, have a good mic setup for chat etc and usually play vanilla or origins. skype = therealbrandito PM's are also welcome!
  20. I'm 19, more experienced with vanilla DayZ but getting into the groove of origins. I'm not a good pilot at all but I'm pretty useful with a decent weapon. My playstyle is usually pretty neutral but leaning towards bandit. I can go hero if that's what a group wants though. I have a quality mic, Skype, and TS3 so I can stay in touch easily. I'm very into teamwork and cooperation, but fair warning I can be awkward at times haha. skype = therealbrandito PM's are welcome as well!
  21. therealbrandito

    [unitZ] dayz origins clan recruiting

    Name (in game) therealbrandito Real life first name (not essential) Brandon Any other gaming names you may use on other accounts (so we can add u there aswell) i change my steam name pretty frequently but the url is always /therealbrandito Age 19 Location / Nationality (general, not exact) Indiana, USA
  22. therealbrandito

    Want to Bandit vanilla or origins

    sounds good, if you want to add me on skype it's the same as my username here. :beans: