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Everything posted by Belmail

  1. Belmail

    Anyone else having this problem?

    Restart your computer, this happens to me if I play for too long in one session or randomly when I change servers a couple of times.
  2. Looking to join up a new group, old one kinda scattered. Hit me up on steam/skype. I'm known to take out moving guys at 800m easy with a DMR/M24/AS50. Also very effective with the M14, able to use it past effective range. Skype: Belmail91 Steam: Belmail.
  3. Belmail

    DMR vs. M14

    I can't seem to decide which of these weapons I want to take on my journeys, I have a Glock as my secondary weapon so it's quiet and is good for headshotting zombies(would love an M9 silenced though.) Just curious about the different range and scope effectiveness of both weapons considering they both use the same clips anyway. Parameters; Close Range: Close-Medium: Medium: Medium-Long: Long: Long-Past Effective Range: Scope vs Scope:
  4. Belmail

    DMR vs. M14

    I would love to carry both, I really would, but that wouldn't leave much space for taking anything useful the player might have had when he is killed. (weapon wise) I guess i'll just use the M14 because i'm more accustomed to the scope.
  5. Belmail

    DMR vs. M14

    Shameless bump.
  6. Name: Belmail Steam USERname: Belmail Experience with DayZ: About a week now, learned the game pretty fast. Are you willing to work in a team: Of course. Are you comfortable with the controls: Yes. Do you have a mic: Yes. Are you willing to use said mic on Skype/Vent/Teamspeak: Yes. What other clans have you been in:None. Why did you leave / get removed from said clans (if applicable):N/A Looking forward to playing in a good group. Seems like a righteous cause. Nobody likes getting gunned downed for no rhyme or raisin.