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MaDGunner (DayZ)

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Everything posted by MaDGunner (DayZ)

  1. MaDGunner (DayZ)

    Players hacking 6/11/2012

    Who cares if i hopped on it for Day Z or not. I paid for it so i can do whatever i please. Go crawl back in the troll cave you came out of. You got it fackstah...
  2. MaDGunner (DayZ)

    Players hacking 6/11/2012

    This is so freaking bullshit, i am so pissed right now. My buddy and i get a bunch of shit. So some dickhead decides to kill all of us just by a click of a button. I'm sorry i am done with Day Z till i know this cant happen again. Why waist my time when some asshole can come in and just ruin everything we worked for. This happened on Dallas 30 at around 3:50am eastern.