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Smelly Legend

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Everything posted by Smelly Legend

  1. Smelly Legend

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Thanks for the reply. That is a shame, as hunting for specific nasty players would have been a great addition and given depth to in game politics as well as survival.
  2. Smelly Legend

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Hi people, first post 'ere. I have not ever played DayZ, despite watching hours of lets plays (as well as Rocket's diary) over the internet (Not enough money for Arma 2 and op arrowhead). Anyway, I finally decided to get on and share an idea that I had concerning murderers in the world of DayZ standalone. I was thinking about a good way to have a punishment for murderers. I'm wondering now, is there safe/social places to reside in game - like some sort of central camp or taken facility (maybe the end game facilities I think I read about can start to facilitate such functions as the one I will mention now - kinda like a rebuilding of order)? I was wondering this as it would be nice to have a Bounty hunter "guild" system built in for catching murderers along with a "wanted" list with players witness descriptions working to full player identification so they can a) be blacklisted (by players for players) and players can b ) look out/avoid for them and then maybe hunt for them for some sort of reward. Thus, any player thinking of turning to the darkside may think twice as to get themselves off the blacklist would be no easy task...(as players do not trust them etc etc) This way if players do decide to be evil and are cunning, they may never be fully ID'd and may gain notoriety / legend amongst the playing community. PLease, feel free to let me know if this has been suggested, as I have not read every single post on the forums to know!