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Everything posted by spartan1608

  1. spartan1608

    Wife is gonna be so pissed, lol!

    Well, I tried 3 servers now. All of them let you choose as long as you want to be male.
  2. spartan1608

    Wife is gonna be so pissed, lol!

    I confirm that you can choose gender in as long as you want to be male. Pick male and you will be male, pick female and you will be male. So many choices. Edit: unless the server I am in is broken, Ill check another.
  3. spartan1608

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

  4. I FOUND THE FIX TO NIGHT TIME!!! This video explains it.
  5. spartan1608

    Rocket doesnt sleep

    Was looking at his post history on the forums and he posted 130 forum posts between 1:41 am and 11:59 PM on 6/14/2012. Hes a monster. Anyways, From what I have seen in the Alpha I think that in order to cut down on the massive scale of PVP we have to incorporate a more cooperative environment. Such as stronger zombies or maybe even AI Human Strongholds or something. Just a though.
  6. spartan1608

    Rocket doesnt sleep

    Indeed, We all certainly do love you Rocket. Keep up the outstanding work! I just hope you are getting some sort of compensation from this kind of work.
  7. spartan1608


    You mean like this one?
  8. YES Simply, Realism. The Makarov wasn't such a popular handgun that everyone happened to have one during the Zombie Apocalypse.
  9. spartan1608

    Novy Sobor Spawn Glitch

    Same thing happened to me. sadly I died while trying to get out of the house.
  10. spartan1608

    Sniper stakeout

    A nice little spot I found to take out some bandits. http://i.imgur.com/yIO8i.jpg http://i.imgur.com/szSsi.jpg
  11. spartan1608

    Sniper stakeout

    Sheesh So judgmental, Ill move back a bit.
  12. spartan1608

    should there be regular resets on characters

    Its k guys, hes a communist. Talking about "fairness" and crap. This game was never meant to be fair.