Hello Guys, I want you to tell you something about my private server. On my server, I got some special features. The are called: Suicide, Sarge AI and Airraid. I will explain for those who do not know what this is. First thing, Suicide: If you got a pistol with at least 1 bullet, you can choose the command "Commit suicide" via Mousewheel. Then you get an animation and 10 seconds left to cancel the suicide. After this 10 Seconds, your character will give itself a bullet in the head. Second thing, Sarge AI: Sarge AI is defined by three groups of survivors. Survivors, Bandits and Military. They are different, because Military and Survivors wont attack you until you become bandit. As a bandit, you have to watch your back every single second, because military helicopters will watch you. As survivor, you don't have to worry about military - but you have to worry about bandits. Those groups are non-player-characters. Third thing, Airraid: Airraids are easy to explain. In some cities and villages (except Chernogorsk), some aircraft will drop bombs. Before the bombs fall, a bomb-alert will be happening. You have some time to get out of the bombed area. Hit is instant death. I hope my server became interessting to you. I would be happy to see you on my server soon. Best wishes, Isaac http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/