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Everything posted by urhideless

  1. My FPS in game goes at 15 - 25 at a 30 player server, First off, I've tried several solutions, here is the list: - Change .cfg files - Ramdisk - Settings in game - CPU Count launch param - Forcing DirectX9 - Overclocking Graphics card - Latest Drivers Graphics Card. Screenshot of usage: Specs: i3 3220 HD 7850 8GB RAM MSI Z68 GD65 500GB 7200RPM HDD 60GB SSD (for boot) Note: I heard that someone said that if you change the GPU from PCIE 3.0 to the PCIE 2.0 16x they had FPS increase, not sure if worth the try. Thanks.
  2. Yes, I do have 2 monitors. The usage in GPU goes from 17% - 30% maximum Viewed several youtube videos on settings and I have tried to optimize it as good as I can.
  3. Not sure if reinstalling the OS will be a complete waste of time or I should try it :/