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About urhideless

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    On the Coast
  1. Yes, I do have 2 monitors. The usage in GPU goes from 17% - 30% maximum Viewed several youtube videos on settings and I have tried to optimize it as good as I can.
  2. Not sure if reinstalling the OS will be a complete waste of time or I should try it :/
  3. My FPS in game goes at 15 - 25 at a 30 player server, First off, I've tried several solutions, here is the list: - Change .cfg files - Ramdisk - Settings in game - CPU Count launch param - Forcing DirectX9 - Overclocking Graphics card - Latest Drivers Graphics Card. Screenshot of usage: Specs: i3 3220 HD 7850 8GB RAM MSI Z68 GD65 500GB 7200RPM HDD 60GB SSD (for boot) Note: I heard that someone said that if you change the GPU from PCIE 3.0 to the PCIE 2.0 16x they had FPS increase, not sure if worth the try. Thanks.