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About TheOtherSide

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  1. TheOtherSide

    United Chenarus Rebellion

    Private Wabbit REPORTING FOR DUTY SIR!!
  2. Application In-Game Name: Wabbit Age(16+): 16 TS3?:Yup, Wabbit on there Are You Dedicated?: Yeah Are you willing to listen: Most definitly
  3. I can get on now, I got off, was making my ping go a tad higher
  4. Hey Fatality, remember me? I was in the fear/envy clan, but when I went to play last weekend, there was no channel, no one was on or anything, would I be able to join you guys again haha ;) Name: TheOtherSide Age: 15 Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard How often do you play: Weekends, and weekdays, but thats like 5am for you guys. When are you on the most: All day on weekends, 4-9PM weekdays What do you want to bring to ToS?: Whatever you want me to :P Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc): Assualt/Sniper
  5. Name: George (TheOtherSide in game) Age:15 1/2 Time Zone: Austrlian Eastern Daylight saving How often do you play: Most afternoons through the weekdays, all weekend When are you on the most:Weekends What do you want to bring to Fear?: A guy with an aussie accent, well, that and I am a handy shot at medium to long range with snipers, and short to medium range with anything else, except pistols Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc):Sniper/Assault
  6. TheOtherSide

    White Scar Commandos [Epoch Clan]

    Hey man, sounds pretty cool, I added you on skype
  7. TheOtherSide

    FMW Squad recruiting players!

    Cool, would love to join you guys, skype is TheOtherSide
  8. Well, ive been playing DayZ for a good 10 months now and I am now living for 50+ hours, having good gear within the first few hours, been playing tactically and sending my self out on bandit hunts and am getting a bit lonely. I have been playing with a couple of guys on a NZ server (5 of us to be exact) and am the marksman/sniper of the group. But they only play on normal DayZ servers and I started playing Epoch a week ago and want to start on a base with a few people, I am 15 and mature, am NOT a bandit, very friendly unless provoked or under threat. I just want to maybe start even a clan, or just a small group to play on Epoch servers
  9. TheOtherSide

    Looking for group members!

    1: 14 2: Yeah, im not a retard or some useless cod player. 3 Well I know the map well, I play on Utes, Chernarus and Namalsk and I have been playing flat out for a while now. I am quite tactical as well, I am good at flanking around without being seen and all that stuff, I am a good shot too. 4: I like to stick the hero side. 5: Sure do :P