DayzBox Overpoch Server Teamspeak:
[email protected] Dayz Launcher Server IP: Search Dayzbox on dayz launcher to find us. Server Features: Custom Missions.Custom Military CampsSingle currency (Coins)Fast TradingSell all from BackPack TraderGroup ManagementTow & Lift.Auto Refuel/RepairGodMode & Anti Backpack & Zombie Shield at TradersSnap Build ProVector BuildIndestructible Cinder and MetalNo WeightSelf Blood BagDeploy/Repack Bike24/7 Day (can vote for night ingame)Slow ZedsZupa skin changerAdvance TradingHeli EvacAnd Many Other Features With More to Come!!! Groups of 3+ will get a free starter box. Just ask an admin either on ts, email, or ingame. Server has about 5-8 regular players and looking to grow the server. Would like to get more servers in the future but first wanting to grow this one first. Stop on by and give the server a try!! Any Feedback is greatly appreciated in helping us improve the server!!!