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Everything posted by PintOfBass

  1. Problem: One group gets in a fire fight with another, one group has a few members disconnect from server A, join server B, move on server B to what would be a vulnerable position to the opposing group, rejoins A either wipes out the group or gets a kill or two and yet again DC's to repeat this process. This is rampant. I have not personally died to this, but have been in fire fights where this has happened and have lost group members to this tactic. It seems about half of the 'elite' or 'organized' groups that my group has faced at the NW airfield or stary have used this 'win' strategy. On a side note a group of four tried this against my group of six, all four dc'd and reconnected into an elevated position on our flank, but we had a member in that building whose position was not yet compromised and he killed 3/4 in rapid succession as they connected, the last logged in long enough to do a Neo DC. This seems to be a 'pro' strat when you reach this level of dayz PvP. If the server is low pop enough as to be easy to keep track of individuals we will almost always have one player whose job it is to simply watch the player list so we can adjust and counter this tactic, it saddens me that this is a base need for my group since we do not in turn use this tactic. Solution. Like most solutions the simpler it is the better it will work in practice. If you disconnect from server A and join server B you may not reconnect to server A for a period of one hour (or half an hour). There are many legitimate reasons to disconnect from a server and those people should not be punished for doing so, this solution would not hinder those types of disconnects. Also there are reasons why it is wise to disconnect to the server lobby for a moment like when you need to take a P P or go put your kid to sleep or what ever, those types of things would not be punished as well. This coupled with the 'shock' mechanic would be enough to punish dc's to avoid death and this server hop for position tactic but would still be narrow enough not to hinder honest gameplay. I am no computer programmer but since each character profile is tied to a central server this seems like it would not be too hard a check, and the hive could simply deny character creation if this A->B->A server connection pattern is recognized.
  2. PintOfBass

    Inventory with two guns... how?

    Go from backpack to active inventory. Never the other way around. Has not failed me yet.
  3. I kill people all the time from 500 meters, am I doing it for lols? No. I am doing it because my friends are in that same town getting gear, that gear is ours, it is not yours. When side chat was on people would say "Wow I just got shot by a bandit in berezino! That asshole should go play (insert game name)! These assholes think this is a deathmatch!" No I think this is a cruel unforgiving game based off of a cruel unforgiving narrative, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and BTW, enjoy the beach bitch, we have been there and didn't like it.
  4. I would like them to have a battery life and be included in general military loot at the same rarity as GPS's. It is such a HUGE advantage in having NVG's that they should either be more plentiful or not in game. As advantages goes its WW2 combat aircraft VS f-16's.
  5. This does not affect server hopping for position. It seems that it would result in way more honest player frustration then frustration from people who are abusing the things you mean to prevent. I agree with you that these things are an issue, some more then others by a wide margin, but the fix should have minimal impact on honest play, this does not make the cut.
  6. PintOfBass

    Clips of Ammo Disappearing.

    I am a bit confused on this. So how this is working is if you fire one round out of a magazine then disconnect for the night or to change servers then that magazine poofs? Or is it only if a given magazine is affected by switching skins? I switch to civies when I go into a city since the bush skin stands out more, I have actually logged in and lost 4 magazines in one go to this. Trying to work out how to avoid logging on with out bullets.
  7. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    Just wanted to point out that this can be abused before a single shot is fired. Here is an example. I am doing overwatch for my group as they loot Vybor. I am spotted by a player, but he knows if he breaks cover it is likely I will see him and have him at range with my favorite sniper rifle of the day. So instead he moves servers and runs across the open field, hides in a tree behind where he saw me on the first server. Then reconnects behind me in said tree. This scenario is difficult to see in action as the legit player as such anyone with some honesty would have a hard time saying with certainty that this is in fact what happened should it unfold like that. This is why people talking about the shock mechanic have it wrong, or why a three minute DC timer have it wrong as well. The second is increasing the time for the 'hopper' to move on server B for sure, but in this scenario the hopper knows he has enough time. Same would be true if one group has another pinned down. The pinned down group is honest players and will not disconnect to avoid being shot. So the cheater group knows that a three minute timer is nothing, either they pull off the exploit and get the pinned down group via server hopping for position, or the people they are keeping pinned down DC to avoid death and as such may be banned.
  8. PintOfBass

    Congratulations... 1,000,000 Murders

    I swear to god people think they are playing this game with their mom and baby sister. "O honey come over here there is a nice gun for you!" "Thanks mom!" "Mom some guy shot me for no reason when I went to the barracks! He was a dirty bandit!" "O dear let us pray for his soul" I give two fucks if you are the nicest player in the game and believe in the baby jesus and are a complete pacifist, if you get near the building I want to loot I, like any other sensible player, will shot you, why? Because the stuff in that building is mine, it is not yours, I am a survivor and I do so by defending the things that keep me alive. You want to live? Well I want a GPS. These two things are in conflict and I will settle it. People think the game should be like this, "Hey you guys in the barracks, mind if I come in?" "Sure absolutely, come on in and take what you want! Rainbows! Glitter! We all love each other!" "Ah cool, WOW a SILENT M4 with three mags! You guys are the best! So do you guys like that movie HAPPY FEET it is SWEETER then this BAD ASS GUN!" "Ya we were just talking about how much we love that movie! Glitter! Happy feet I say to you!" For the love of god please stop making posts about how much you die and solutions for your problem.
  9. PintOfBass

    [Video] Lock Your Cars

    Thumbs up. Step one, dismount, step two guard the vehicle. These guys just did step one.
  10. PintOfBass

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    What the OP does not seem to understand is that 'extreme PVP' sounds to us like 'stop shooting me'. I am not the sort who thinks that the maps edge is just outside of Cherno and elektro, so when I am there it is not for long. But I'm sorry when I am going to the barracks up north, or looking to loot the tents at stary if your not on teamspeak your a hostile who needs to be neutralized. Even if you are a nice guy who wont shoot me and just shits rainbows on command I don't care, that loot is mine and it is not yours. Your bad luck for being there when I am, but from the bottom of my heart I can not say this with anymore feeling then this, Enjoy the Beach Bitch. PoB
  11. Seven. Just like I play the game. If someone is armed and looks in my direction they will die before I do. Small group of survivors protecting each other from armed strangers is not banditry, its protecting the group, its surviving. Now if the game was so in depth that when a "carebear" sees me in camo and drawing a bead on them with my M4 and drops his weapon and lays down until I am out of the area, then they would live, but alas things like seeing fear and reading body language to assess threat level is beyond the scope of gaming technology, but funny thing corpses never get the chance to do something stupid.
  12. PintOfBass

    Zone of death - off map

    The only thing that needs to be changed concerning this is that off map tents and vehicles don t save. That's it. Your making huge complex solutions for simple problems.
  13. PintOfBass

    More survivability, less deathmatching

    Surviving other players who have better guns then you is part of a PVP survival game as it turns out.
  14. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    Mine is different because it has nothing to do with DC'ing to avoid death. It has to do with moving your position on server B to gain a firing position on someone you spotted on server A. Please don't post if your not going to read it, just makes the thread spammy.
  15. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    Sigh I don't know how I can explain this any clearer. People either don't read the post or can't read the post. The second is of course excusable.
  16. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    Thanks for the support gents, this has been an issue twice since I first posted for gamer bro's of mine. The story is second hand since I was not there but here it is as I was told. Six people on the server, friend of mine is leading a three man team in the NW airfield for some night ops. They see three hostiles crossing the tarmac moving towards the ATC from the west, the engage and score some hits but no kills, the three hostiles move behind the ACT tower and are quite for a full minute or two (the assumption being that they were bandaging and giving each other transfusions). They exchange fire for a time after the lull and notice there are only five in server, then they start paying attention but are still exchanging fire with the two that are left at the ATC. Then the third rejoins the server but is now on the roof of the firestation....and has a SAW, two of the 'good guys' go down before the guy on the roof catches a bullet and either goes unconscious or dies (undetermined), last good guy pops two smokes from what little cover he has from the roof tosses a grenade in the general direction of the ATC recovers one rare weapon from his buddies corpse using the smoke as cover and runs full tilt east and out of the airfield. An otherwise mostly well played firefight and sounded like a fun one (for both sides) until someone gets the idea of server hoping for position. Please fix this, if not with my suggestion something that would be equally effective. PoB
  17. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    The ALT+F4 mechanic is a different issue that requires a different solution (if any). While I do not like the ALT+F4 mechanic in anyway it does not, when abused, result in a game breaking mechanic. With how fast some servers can connect you and get you in game this tactic of moving on one server to gain a firing position in another server IS game breaking. Your DC'ing to get kills, that is worse then DC'ing to avoid death for the honest players involved. I will take not getting to loot someone over being looted due to game mechanic abuse in other words.
  18. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    Well I was trying to think of situations where you would have a legit reason to go from server A to server B and back to server A in quick succession and that did not occur to me. The only reason I came up with was moving home servers where you are moving gear from server to server using tents or vehicles. I have done this and the hour wait would be a pain, but I would deal with it if it meant not having to see someone disconnect and think, well fuck me what tree/roof are they running too right now on South Africa 1 to relog here?
  19. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    So either I did not explain this well or you really think this is a legit tactic because its available and rocket hasn't said different? Its a blatant abuse of the system. And please don't give me that "in real life" BS in real life a person doesn't 'poof' off of the battle field and teleport directly behind you a minute later. And besides the whole point of making suggestions is so that they can be included for the games benefit.
  20. PintOfBass

    Solution for server hoping to gain position.

    I was hoping for at least one person to say why it was good/bad.
  21. Off map saving of tents and vehicles needs to be fixed, other then that the vehicles as it stands is perfect. Making a bicycle out of scrap metal? Silly idea. Upgrading a bicycle to a motorcycle just as bad.
  22. PintOfBass

    Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

    I like the lack of "MMO" feel for this, I don't want to need a cleric and mage to have a viable party.