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Everything posted by Razorblade2609

  1. That would've been fun to take part in ...So no one lost there cool and started shooting everyone coming out from the church ;p;?
  2. Razorblade2609

    One thing about -SA-

    I've heard lots of my friends screaming as loud as they can in direct (FRIENDLY) FRIENDLY) and then next thing you hear is shots fired but you do have a point it seems like mods like Origins,Overwatch Epoch) are based 110% on pvp...But it's fun when you do run into someone new on the game and they play it just like we all did when the game first came out.
  3. Razorblade2609

    DayZ 1.7.8 "Choose Spawn", Thoughts?

    Yes it works very well it also lets you know where the most pvp action will be at so you know what you're walking into.
  4. Razorblade2609

    One thing about -SA-

    I have been a reader here forever and I will say it's not getting old running around for 2 mins after you spawn with nothing and getting killed is what get's old sometimes....No one kills for a reason anymore it's just ''Hey there's a fresh spawn lets drop em''