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About Razorblade2609

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Best way to stop KOS....Take all guns and anything that will hurt another player out of the game....give us a ball to throw at zeds and some room for some beans and call it a day. For real I don't know if what OP said will be true are not as we will not find out till we are loaded into the server and running for our life.
  2. Razorblade2609

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    We'll see where this goes...I don't read into to many things that Dean or any other dev anywhere says because they are just trying to keep the hype train alive.
  3. Razorblade2609

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    I'm getting off work tomorrow and going by the store to buy me some chips and cokes....Then gonna sit down for the next 3 days and enjoy this mod if it lives up to the hype.
  4. Razorblade2609

    where should we spawn in standalone?

    I'd like for it to never be the same and maybe far far away from any big cities that away less new spawns will get killed right when they start up and make it so you HAVE to kill pigs and cows and hell even dogs to eat and 1 can of beans doesn't last you 2 hours worth of running.
  5. Razorblade2609

    Bizarro Servers of DayZ

    Yeah I'm gonna have this site up while I play standalone just to see this web site blow up with men and kids crying ''Why is this SOO HARD there aren't any cars and I can't find a rocket launcher that shoots chainsaws this game shouldn't be this way what is wrong with the people who made it please patch this games so I can find all my gear in 15 minutes or less or Im going to ask for my money back'' I feel for you site mods that are gonna have to delete and lock 500 post a day for awhile.
  6. Been playing for awhile now...Good server will be playing more (Like the cars by the way doesn't take you 20 hours to find something to drive)
  7. Razorblade2609

    Facts of patch 1.8 - loot is nonsense

    Like others have said the only thing I see wrong with the loot is the food....I have more food than I can eat in 3 weeks already and it's still everywhere I go About the Zombies being to hard lol that's funny because to me that seem easy now but I understand everyone doesn't think that. Maybe make 35%food...15%Tools and 50% trash like Im sure would be laying around if zombies did pop up out of nowhere.
  8. Razorblade2609

    So what are you expecting if not KoS?

    As many players as we have on this web page that doesn't like KOS why don't everyone get together and join one good server so the game can be played the way most here want?
  9. Yeah but some times they'd have to die 3-5 times before they got to were they wanted and it gave the player that shot em a chance to leave that town now it's crazy.
  10. Razorblade2609

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    Players are so hell bent to KOS...I had a player chase me all around town trying to kill me with an axe an AXE!!!! I had a M14 and could have killed him easy yet I didn't so I just ran away and watched from a hill as he was KOS by another player and the funny thing is before he got shot I heard him say (Don't shoot I have nothing) yet he was trying to kill me for no reason. I think games like COD have really hurt dayz but we all must learn to deal with these type of players in the end we will win.
  11. Razorblade2609

    I'm screwed

    What I find funny is that you seen him and jumped into your tank and was going to KILL HIM...He then pulled a fast one on you and jumped into your tank and drove off. what else is funny is that you combat logged so you could save your gear but im sure if he did the same when you tired to kill him for NO REASON you'd be crying about it.
  12. Razorblade2609

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    A lot of people do not understand this tho,these things aren't like Madden or Nba when you know the date every year and hell with them games you are lucky to even get an update patch.
  13. Razorblade2609

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    To everyone who is mad about Standalone not being out yet (Just find something else to play and don't buy it when it's out) If you feel that Rocket has lied to you then why in the world would you ever put 1 cent in his pocket and buy the game.
  14. Razorblade2609

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Oh lord they are getting like someone else we know let burn this place down lol...No for real I hope it's out today but if not we will have before the weekend and that's all good with me.
  15. Razorblade2609


    I don't understand the fuss with Arma 3 vs Standalone because until we play Standalone we don't know what the game will be like. Could be better could be worse than what we think today....My money will be that Standalone will be a fun game but as said before who really knows.