The message was either "global admin kick" or just "admin kick" I dont remember which, I wasnt able to log back in for 20 minutes. I decided to try to log back in later since I got some decent stuff from towers in electro. When tried again later I was able to log back in after 20 minutes, when I logged back in THEN he said no pvp on the server or banned ect ect. After that I just aborted and left since I logged in a server that didnt say anything about no pvp, that had more than 1 person, to kill zombies and pvp. I'm also not really trying to server bash I mainly just letting everyone else know (other than the admin being bad in my opinion), do not go to this server if you want to do anything other than drive cars around or you will be kicked with no warning when you didnt break any posted rules (since theres nothing about no pvp)