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Everything posted by DanJZ0404

  1. I would like to see this, but as Frytek said, it could encourage KoS even more. Not much would change, because you can't trust each other. It's a distrust-distrust relationship as it stands. The values of the Internet would need to be enforced. I don't mean "OMG U KILD M3 HAXOR NUBR", I mean what the Internet originally was. Instead of "Fuck you" it was genuine help when someone asked. The Internet as it stands is the problem. It doesn't help that 99% of people on the web feel the need to say things like "umadbro?" and post thousands of cat pictures. In conclusion: The Internet is the Internet's problem. The Internet is DayZ's problem. Something I didn't mention in the body was that everyone bitches and gripes and moans about getting KoSed, then KoSes themselves minutes after. The only time I ever got KoSed was when I spawned in late at night next to a player. He likely shot me because I scared the literal crap out of him.
  2. Thank God he's updating this. I thought it was dead. Edit: Since I don't want to double post: What's wrong with all these hosts? EDIT2: Oh dear lord. Hmm...I would probably rent a server from LowPing, Elpis or Gaming Deluxe. So far, so good. (Just to clarify, I meant as a server host for different games. Looking at TotalSimplicity, it probably is an incomplete website. My website looks kinda like that, only mine doesn't include anything cool.
  3. I know Python and a little Batch. If you like, I can help with the development of Server Tool Sigma