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Everything posted by Hai_Happen

  1. Hi, sorry but the brokenlegssystem, as it is at the moment, is unplayable. Only the healing with Morphine, an item, that is difficult to find since the latest version, is shit. Please, Please, Please make the chance bigger to find Morphine or make that Zeds doesent breake Legs or spawn medical assistens on mor points on Map. Im lying at the northwestairfield, because of an zedhit, that brokes my legs. The only way i have is to die or rob houres to the miles away hospital. Ok, its true you can find Morphine at hospitals and have to loot it before walking north, but in 90% you die at a hospital because of camping bandits. Ohterwise it will be helpfull, if broken legs healing in time. After 1-2 days you could walk in crotchposition, after 5 Days its all normal. Or put a item in the game "First aid kit" with that you can heal one of all injurements by an dropdownlist in inventory. plese do thomething its kidden at the moment. sorry for my bad english :-/
  2. Hai_Happen

    The thing with the broken legs

    is that shur with deerstands? How hight is the chance to find morph on it?
  3. Hai_Happen

    The thing with the broken legs

    The broken leg systen on it selve is cool, but not the way to healing it.
  4. Hai_Happen

    The thing with the broken legs

    One houre would be nice. Think i need a day if i madeit alive.....
  5. Hai_Happen

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I think, it is a natural reaktion against the banditrising in the last time. It is a bad way, but an effective. Aslong no script stop that or Player go back to Survivalgaming, it will happend offten in the next time.
  6. Hai_Happen

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    god bless, i am a normal human beeing! Onece someone calls in the chat "pece!" so i answert "ists ok i am frindly" 5 seconds later bäm! Dead...... thats at the moment the only way to die....zombies are harmless......
  7. Hai_Happen

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I think thats a big problem in the later game. Noone trust on an other and befor starting again with nothing and houres of play lost, you have to shoot. The game could be so nice but the bandit raising is no more fun anymore....
  8. Hai_Happen

    Bought this game today.

    The problem is, Dayz is a dependence game and ervy hour without playing this mod is horrible. If things dont work it is frustrating :D
  9. All new is pritty good, but why the arma2 betha version? After i installed it, my game crashs. Sound was gone, textures destroyed... im looking forward to an installer that couldnt fail. A little question: is it normalthat you have no gun, eating and drinking at the beginning now?
  10. Hi there, I have try it two times, but it dosn't work. I hav a stable of wood and ab pack of matches in my backpack. I use the Matches with rightklick and take the option emblaze. But the item/animation didn't come. Did someone have the Problem too and how could i repair it?
  11. Hai_Happen

    The German speaking Community

    good thing!
  12. Hai_Happen

    create a fanpage?

    Hi, May it be possible to create an DayZ-Fanpage? Short question, but essencial vor me
  13. Hai_Happen

    Tents disappearing

    Mh i placed a tent and had a nother one after it stands. Bit i found only one before.... This one i dropt later in a house. After a view houres i decidet to replace my tent. I digging it and coult took it back to my gear/inventory. So i loos my tent and a huge stuff (mutch medikal things and 12 rosted flesch). Boring day, because i wear the guyllia cloth, too and spawnd in the grad see. I start from beginn after 7 days with a very good equipment. So i hope it will fixt in near time.
  14. Hai_Happen

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    please fix the cloathing and tents, lost 7 Days and a absolutley good equip because of bugs.
  15. Hai_Happen

    Do we really need helicopters?

    I think helis verry nice but too easy to get. What about Tanks???? :rolleyes: I`m draming about an light tank with 20mm canon...... drive in to a town, kill al Zeds with big fire and get in buildings after that, cash the loot and go out. of cause should it be very hard to repair and find one!
  16. Hai_Happen

    The Finnish wishlist

    Singnet, too. Really nice! One thing, make it posible to clean little farms vorm zeds on server to build a permanently Camp there.
  17. Hai_Happen

    Bandits I THANK you,,,

    bandits are cool for atmosphäry but i hate to be shot from behind after i help someone of them.....
  18. i think its the force, control live or dead and´althoght the gloating of many persons. I see it in other Games, there are Teamkillers everywere and in this mod it is ALLOWED! I really hope the fronts will blance in the next time. I shot only on persons shoting at me or i shot at them if they see me. But i hate shoting from behind and with lying.