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About tzimaks

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  1. tzimaks

    Dayz steam or dayz commander

    when i open dayz commander it cannot find my arma 2 game, when i [press install to install the arma 2 OA beta something at the process of that it tells me wrong cd key or something, it closes and then it says arma 2 up to date... is it okay ? and also shall i install dayz mod from commander or from steam?
  2. Can i run the dayz mod on steam instead of dayz commander? or not?
  3. tzimaks

    updating dayz mod

    when i press to download dayz commander it takes me to download FLV player why?
  4. tzimaks

    updating dayz mod

    i just installed dayz mod through steam but the version is not the latest one its actally old. how can i get it to the last patch?
  5. tzimaks

    Just got the game yesterday!

    lol its not tomorrow dude
  6. my cpu is inter core quad cpu q8300 2.50GH'z is it fine?? i get a score of 7 in the Dayz system req.
  7. One last thing bro;P How much money will standalone be and when will it come out??? , will i have more fps in arma 2dayz than arma 3?
  8. But im planning on playing only dayZ thats why i want to buy arma2. ill buy it to only play dayZ but is it worth now that the standalone is coming up?
  9. So is it fine if i buy arma 2, OA now or im i gonna waste my money?
  10. do i have to buy the dayz staandalone if i dont have arma 2 ? or is it going to be free?? Or if i own arma 2 etc and dayz mod will i be able to make dayzmod standalone?
  11. what do you mean dayz standalone ? u dont need arma 2 ??
  12. I was wondering if dayZ requires a not so good pc to play the game than arma 3? does arma 3 require a better to pc to actually play good or does dayZ require a better pc? which game can be run better? dayz or arma 3?
  13. but arma 2 online causes different fps...
  14. here you are, http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=4843&game=DayZ&p_make=Intel&p_deriv=Core+2+Quad+Q8300+2.5GHz&gc_make=Nvidia&gc_deriv=GeForce+GT+220&ram=2&checkSubmit=#systemRequirements it shows that i can play the game but i need ur opinion!
  15. what problems will my graphic card cause the game?