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About jazzNdrumNbass

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jazzNdrumNbass

    First human contact.

    Well I'm no game theory expert, but if the possibilities upon meeting someone new are that they'll either be friendly or kill you, and the odds are heavily stacked that they'll kill you (as I believe they are right now) doesn't it make sense to try to kill the other person? I'm sure many solutions have been talked about, but for me, there is a simple solution - make walkers more of a threat. Make them something you NEED assistance with occasionally. Imagine walker bosses, a la Nemesis from Resident Evil. Threats that can't be easily handled by one person will cause people to pull together.
  2. jazzNdrumNbass

    First human contact.

    You did?! That's fantastic, congratulations!! Everyone - big round of applause.
  3. jazzNdrumNbass

    First human contact.

    So, today I decided to play on a more populated server than I normally play on. I'd been camped out in the Police station type building in Kamyshovo, which had been very kind to me; I walked out with two different types of pistols, a Mosin and a few handfuls of ammo, and some food and drink. Sorted. I would recommend for any new starter to head there, check the backs of the police cars, check the sheds, check all the rooms. I also had some sort of assault rifle with three full clips, but left that behind to travel light. Headed north; found Msta. Not much in the way of loot, but I'd let my guard drop whilst searching the small village, and before I knew it... Heard that sound. Glanced behind... 3 walkers closing in. SPRINT. TURN. FIRE. FIRE. FIRE. Phew. Turns out there were another two walkers following; dispatched those too. I'm no expert gunman. Amateurish at best, but thankfully didn't waste a single shot. All one hit kills. Love this Mosin. I was out in the rain at this point, and the walkers didn't have anything on them (don't know if that's been put in the Standalone...). So I headed to a barn. Was fooling around with the function key expressions. Sat down, chilled out, waited for the rain to pass, just watching the barn door. Saw someone run past. Didn't look like a zombie. Instantly typed "Hello survivor! I am friendly". Headed out and followed the person; they were heading through the houses. After watching for a couple of minutes and ascertaining that she was unarmed, headed down to say hello. Lost visual on my way down. Next thing I knew... Punched in the side of the head! I ran into the forest immediately south of Msta, with the assailant in tow. Opened up a bit of distance and let her have it. Dead. Didn't get the name... But if that player was you... White t-shirt, ponytail, punching a heavily armed guy in a bandana and aviators in the woods south of Msta... Congratulations. I wanted to help you; you made me kill you.