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About argent1

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  1. argent1

    How DayZ Destroyed My Friendship...A Tragedy

    I like it how you take a damaged bandage (100%) over a pristine bandage (50%) Let this be a lesson to you. Elektro only equals death.
  2. argent1

    Revenge on a pair of bandits who executed me

    Kinda cool but you didn't have to kill the newspawn, it was unlikely he could have done anything to you unless I missed something.
  3. +1 I'm interested and the ideas you put down are good.
  4. I definitely like the idea of coming across a burnt out military convoy finding beans and charred bodies laying around. It'd definitely add more things to do without creating linearity.
  5. argent1


    The gun itself is fairly common however the .357 rounds are hard to come by.
  6. No, but it balances the zombies seen as if the suggestions were implemented the zombies would have the same amount of health as players. And they are, can't you tell they're rotting by the guttural sounds? The decaying flesh? It's quite obvious they're rotting.
  7. I was also thinking about self surgery too ( with added risk )and more jobs for medics, what I typed was merely an example! Reducing the speed not only enforces the idea theyre falling apart but also means that their increased health doesn't mean death for all with no respite. I want zombies to be a threat which may reduce RDM, also if I wanted to quick scope zombies I'd pick up a copy of COD:WaW
  8. Hey DayZ! As a fan of the SA clocking in around 173 hours I've come up with a few ideas which may or may not work. 1) Increased zombie health. Now I know what youre thinking: "MORE HEALTH!? They're annoying as they are!" Thats my point, -annoying- with improvements to zombies on the way unfair deaths or hits will be few and far between and with more zombies with health similar to that of a player Mr TTsKO might think twice about unloading his M4 magazine into the poor freshspawn due to the presence of the zombies and the difficulty of killing them. 2) Decrease zombie speed. I'm sorry, another contraversial topic but hear me out. I believe currently the zombie sprint is a little too fast. A more appropriate speed would be between their current sprinting speed keeping the threat but also giving the players the biological advantage. (E.g. Not rotting ) I also think the zombies jump attack should be removed until movement is streamlined or a more suitable replacement is added ( Grabbing anyone? ) 3) More detailed location based damage/wounding system. Not sure if already confirmed. I think if my character is shot in my stomach and im not operated on in a small window of time I should die not wrap a bandage and walk it off. This leads to my next suggestion. 4) Surgery mini-game. This is great just thinking about it. Imagine coming across a wounded survivor bleeding he is furiouly trying to gouge out the bullet in his gut. He falls unconcious and a few surgical tools fall from his hand. Your choice is do you use whatever medical knowledge you have to save him, leave him or purposefully botch the operation? Thanks for reading I really think the first will help stop KoS But still allow players to defend themselves when they have to. See you out there. Argent out.
  9. Hey! Ive seen this post and you've interested me. Sadly I am unable to access my PC so I cannot note down the IP, mind if you send me a PM of the IP? :blush:
  10. argent1

    The road is not drawn in the game

    Yeah, try and make it smaller. Atleast the 3D resolution.
  11. argent1

    The road is not drawn in the game

    I think the smaller you make it the better, or atleast the less blurry it'll be. However you will find you'll see a more 'tiled' look at some places.
  12. argent1

    The road is not drawn in the game

    Aha, have you tried changing 3d resolution?
  13. argent1

    The road is not drawn in the game

    Hm, well I think everyone has that problem if they keep their original texture settings, going into dayz to see the correct option.
  14. argent1

    The road is not drawn in the game

    Hey _Alcatraz_ I haven't been on DayZ today so I cannot be sure but try to turn down the texture resolution in the video settings.