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Everything posted by Insannik

  1. Hi there! Me and my friends recently opened up a TeamSpeak 3 server, which was originally planned to be used privately only. However, after receiving a Non-profit license we decided to make it more public. We’re now introducing AFSA TeamSpeak! What is AFSA TeamSpeak? Have you ever been with 2 or 3 friends, trying to play a game where there are 5 players on each team? It’s a bit annoying, isn’t it? That’s why we are opening this server to the public. The basic idea is that you can join in with your friends or by yourself and find new people to fill up the empty slots! We’re currently mainly focusing on CS:GO, but we will put more attention on other games in the future. The server is currently open with 150 slots, but we can and will add more slots if needed. Rules & Privileges We have put up some simple rules in order to keep things more structured. 1. Use common sense, and greet others with respect. Don’t spam poke, play music in channel (with the exception of the karaoke room) or behave in an irritating manner (e.g. trolling). 2. Listen to the admins. They are there to help. 3. Only one channel in the Clans/Groups section per user. We will keep track of the channels. 4. If a channel in the Clans/Groups is inactive for too long we will remove it. If your channel is removed you can always speak with a staff member to get it back. In order to get your own channel in the Clans/Groups section all you have to do is contact a staff member. You can either wait in the channel named “Waiting for help” or poke/message one of the staff members. Staff members can easily be detected by their name having the suffix [Moderator] or [Admin], as well as the symbol which is located to the right of their names. We mainly speak english on our server, but other languages are of course welcome. Just remember to speak in a language that everyone who can hear understands. If you have any suggestions on changes or improvements on the server don’t hesitate to tell the staff! Feedback and critique is also appreciated. Just stay civil! Join the server now on ts.afsa.se! Sincerely, AFSA Staff
  2. Insannik

    AFSA Teamspeak Server, free to use!

    If you join, please poke an admin/moderator to let us know you're new :)
  3. Insannik

    AFSA Teamspeak Server, free to use!

    If anybody is interested please feel free to join :)
  4. Hello everyone, I've been playing the game for a while now and I like it a lot but... I've noticed how hard it is to find a gun. I don't think it's bad to make it hard but on the other hand we all liked those gunfights you used to get in the mod. That moment a bullet flies next to your character and your heart and adrenaline start pumping. I've been reading up on how the game will develop and I've read that they will even decrease the number of weapon spawns even more. Now, I don't mind the game being hard but I think they need to look at the entertainment value of the game as well What I mean is, if they make military weapons super rare. Nobody will have a gun that is actually good enough to shoot anyone with so basically the danger of dieing any second dissapears and so does the entertainment. I'm not the kind of guy that is going to have a lot of fun running arround with weapons incapable of killing a guy from more than 2 meters away.. i so don't feel like hunting deer all day. Anyway, what I want to say is that I like the game but I feel like they are taking away a great ammount of the exitement by taking away most of the guns. I like a hard game but hard AND boring is definately something no one will play. Please give me your thoughts on this. I feel worried that this game might not turn into the game I hoped for.
  5. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    My god. Everyone has their own play style but I've read multiple comments mentioning the "avoid players"... Holy shit.. I just don't see how you can have any fun in this game of you don't get into these weird situations with other players.. It's a game about interaction with other players. If you don't do this you shouldn't be playing this game but go play a single player game. And about the millions of people buying the game.. they bought the game because they liked the mod. Half of them will not like the end-product.. THINK MAN... THINK..
  6. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    I give up on this topic. People fail to see my point because they all think I'm some random CoD kid that just wants to shoot stuff. Nothing is less true. We'll see how the game develops but of it develops like a boring, no action, build your base and survive game.. I'll go play sims because even that is more fun. I'm saying that you need weapons for action and if theres only 3 guys on every server with a gun capable of killing someone the game will become boring. Believe me. Even those who say they would like it to be that way will drop the game in no time. I hope I made my point clear but we'll see how things evolve in the future.
  7. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    I see a lot of people that take conclusions way to quick. The reason why we played the mod for so long and the reason why we all love dayz is because of the exitement. I see a lot of people say that it's a survival game and that you don't need a gun to survive. It's still a bloody video game. Ofcourse you wouldn't find a lot of guns in real life either, but that's real life. This is still a game. You buy games to have fun. I wonder how many of those guys that say "It's survival, you don't need a gun" will drop the game because after a while, not having a gun, not shooting anything is just no fun. I'm not the typical KoS player, I like hold-ups and stuff. But do you see my point here? In a game you need stuff to do other than running, driving etc. We need stuff to do that we CAN'T do in real life. I can go run, I can go drive, I can go work as well. The reason why we play video games is to be able to do stuff we can't do in real life (ex: Shooting other players and get away with it unpunished). Good luck with doing stuff you can't do in real life if you don't even get the items to do so. I can go to a bush and pick some berries and eat them. I can't go to a house, find another guy and shoot him and take his shit and live my life as if it's a wasteland. People that like survival games, like it because it's survival. Name one survival game/movie that doesn't contain guns. I'm not saying everyone should be kittet out instantly but I'm saying that they need to think about what they're doing. I don't want everyone running arround with M4's and stuff but there has to be guns in the game.. And there has to be a lot of them or you'll just be at the mercy of whoever has a gun. Good luck playing that game for more than a week. TLDR: Survival, I like it BUT.. Survival needs guns, we play games to do shit we can't do in real life so we need guns just for entertainment purposes.
  8. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    You sir, need to learn how to read. I said I read how the game is going to develop. I'm not talking about how it stands now but what'll become of it in the future.As for all of the others. I like dayZ, I don't like CoD. I played more dayz mod than is probably good for me. Thank you for all the feedback. I think I'm starting to understand how the development will progress. But after all.. we'll have to see how it turns out. And this... Is completely true... I dont see why they make the guns spawn less of there is no loot timer yet. It just forces everyone to server hop. This is really an issue they must fix asap.
  9. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    Ye but the road to obtaining that stuff can not be made boring or people will stop playing. If you have to go through an extremely boring grind and then die to do it all over again. People will stop playing.
  10. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    I was just using pebbles as an example to say that deadly force has to be in the game to make it fun. If they make self crafted guns and other weapons worthless it's not going to be a lot of fun is it?
  11. Insannik

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    It depends on how good the civilian weapons are. If it's all balanced out I don't mind but they have to look badass as well. I don't want to run arround with a catapult shooting little pebbles at my enemies or even zombies for that matter. And another thing is. They are going to fix server hopping (I like it) but.. I don't like the fact that loot doesn't respawn without a server restart. If everything is looted there is no way that you'll get any gear. So I think they should implement something to fix this. What do you guys think? :-)
  12. Hello again, A few days ago I made a topic about my friend having problems with the game. He gets a random "receiving" screen every now and then. And it doesn't go away until he closes the game. In that topic, people told me to tell him to put the game on his SSD to make it run faster. He has te steam version of the game so we took the folders "Arma2" and "Arma2OA" and dragged it from Steam/Steamapps/common to his SSD. But now, there's a new problem. After opening both games manually and seperately a few times, Dayzcommander still doesn't find his game folder. We tried overriding the file locations and putting them in manually but nothing works. Dayzcommander keeps saying the game is not installed. Because of this, he can't launch the game through the commander, he can't update the game or any of the mods and if we try to lauch ArmaOA and enable the mods manually, the game fails to initialize BattleEye when he tries to join a server. I'm sure some of you have the steam version and have put them on your SSD. So can anyone help us on this matter so he can finally play and enjoy the game like all of us? Thanks in advance Greets, --Insannik.
  13. Does anyone here have any experience using the Steam Mover? If so? let me know if it works or if it's worth giving a shot? :)
  14. His SSD works, he uses it for his OS.. so there's nothing wrong with that.. We're gonna try and use steam mover to move it after installing it.
  15. When trying to install it to a different location on his SSD. Steam says the SSD is not writeable.. Any ideas?
  16. Hello there, Me and a friend play DayZ for about 2 days now.. He's new to the game and I'm trying to learn him how to play. So far we tried panthera, taviana and chernarus and he always gets the same problem. Somewhere, at a random time, he just gets a black screen that says "Receiving" and it just stays there forever until he closes the game and restarts. He knows he only has 4GB of RAM and so he tried using a gamebooster and closing all programs.. Eventually the game takes 2.7GB at the lowest graph settings so he should be able to run it no problem. So I don't think this is the problem. Does anyone of you know a possible fix for this problem? It would help us out a lot. Thanks in advance Kind regards --Insannik. P.S. Also please note that he does not experience any FPS drops but the game just randomly starts receiving..
  17. Hello again, We still have the same problem. We decided to place the game on his SSD. Now there's a new problem. Since the game was bought on steam it's in his steam folder. We dragged the folders "arma2" and "arma2OA" out of the steamapps/common folder and placed it on his SSD. Now dayz commander fails to find the mod itself. I tried manually opening both games and then restarting.. Nothing helps. Then I launched arma2OA and activated the mod itself under "expansions". When trying to join a server. It says "failed to initialize battleEye". Does anyone know how to get the game to work from his SSD? Thanks again Greetz
  18. We tried what Icanfish told us. I also told him to go into his documents and change the GPU_MaxFramesAhead and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead to "1". We are currently testing, I'll keep you guys updated if we got some results. Thanks again everyone! :)
  19. My friend has steam copy.. I think he runs the game with steam open but I'm not sure. I'll tell him to run it without steam.
  20. I hope so as well.. So basically if anybody reads this and knows what to do about it please let me know so we can fix this problem and so he can enjoy the game :) Thanks again :)
  21. He has an SSD. The game was originally on his SSD without him knowing about it. He changed it to his normal hard drive because he had the problem. So, even though it was on the SSD he still had the same problems.. Defragmenting his hard drive shouldn't help since he had the same problem with the SSD. :(
  22. Played with the server admins for a pretty long time in the past. I hope a lot of people feel the need to join and stay on this server. It's a great experience and it's there for everyone to enjoy :) Greetz
  23. Hello everyone, I've been playing origins for a while now. Both alone and with a team. I'm looking for a new team to play with and I am willing to join any origins server that has enough players for some decent PvP action. Some information about me: I'm Nick, I'm from Belgium (Flemish part), I'm 18. I speak English and Dutch. I prefer smaller teams (max 4 people) in Origins. If anyone of you is looking for an extra team member. Let me know below or send me a private message on the forums. Thanks in advance, Kind Regards -Insannik
  24. Yeah, you should join this server if you want to play some Epoch! Good server, no downtime, no lag, good and friendly players. Come and take a look!
  25. Hello there, I've been playing on this server for the past 3 days now and it's been really cool. Had a lot of fun, more than I ever had playing DayZ. Everyone is really friendly and helpful and I'd definitely recommend that you join this server and this community. More players joining and looking for friends every day! Get in now! :) See you in game! -Insannik