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Everything posted by ObscureObscura

  1. Hello! We scavenged up a bunch of stuff recently from various sources, here is our inventory: HAVE: Weapons: 1x Bizon PP-19 SD (1x magazine) 1x Sa-58v ACOG 1x Sa-58v CCO 1x M14 AIM 1x G36c 1x FN FAL 1x PDW 1x Makarov SD (1x SD mag, also uses regular mags) Gear: 1x GPS 2x Range Finder 2x Night Vision Goggles (***LIMITED***)Ammo:(***LIMITED***) We found a source of STANAG ammunition, but it may be gone within a couple of days. Please contact us ASAP if you are interested. ~10 regular STANAGs ~10 silenced STANAGs WANT: Ammo: DMR Mags AKM/SA58 Mags G17 Mags EXCHANGES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to negotiate or bargain with us, we are reasonable folks. Please post in this thread using this form for your own convenience: HAVE: WANT: NOTES: (needing a rescue, clarification, or a pistol exchange deal) I will PM you after we see your post! Feel free to PM us first, but we would prefer if you would post in the thread and use the form first. PS: This is my first time trading so you can't find me on Traders and Traitors. However, I do have a hero skin.
  2. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    We have an unreliable access to backpacks, but prefer not to trade them. And yeah, we are trading tools. We do need antibiotics and AKM/Sa-58 mags, but if you do not have those you can feel free to offer us interesting stuff.
  3. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Big update today. Found stuff, stuff, and stuff. -Added an FN FAL -Added a magazine for the Bizon -Now selling M9SD -Probably something else that I forgot about
  4. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    I sent you a PM
  5. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    We have just received those items through a trade, sorry :( We are planning to trade away the ammo. Would you agree to exchange my empty M9SD for a g17 with 4 mags, in that case?
  6. ObscureObscura

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Well, no harm no foul :D
  7. ObscureObscura

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 GrumpyGat Great trade, refused promotional freebies and gave us a bunch of extra free stuff. Everything was smoothly coordinated and he was fun to talk to.
  8. ObscureObscura

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    We have an M9SD with three mags.
  9. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Will drop you a PM
  10. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Wow! We just found something awesome. I added a (probably) limited ammo deal. Also, everyone who sells us a ghillie suit or a tent now gets a free pack of antibiotics on top on the negotiated deal!
  11. ObscureObscura

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    In that case, can you drop me a PM and tell me what items you want for one of the ghillie suits? Thanks. EDIT: Wez. we are now offering (for a limited time) around 10 Stanags in both regular and SD varieties. We are also offering a pack of antibiotics on top of whatever deal we will negotiate for the ghillie suit. I hope we will help you replenish a part of your inventory.
  12. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Removed the FN FAL from our inventory.
  13. ObscureObscura

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    We have two night vision goggles and 2 range finders along with a GPS if you need those kinds of tools. We are looking for ghillie suits and tents primarily, but some DMR or AKM/Sa-58 mags would also be nice. Here is our full stock: Weapons: 1x M249 SAW 1x Bizon PP-19 SD 1x Sa-58v ACOG 1x Sa-58v CCO 1x M14 AIM 1x G36c 1x FN FAL Gear: 1x GPS 2x Range Finder 2x Night Vision Goggles Sucks that you guys got hit D:
  14. ObscureObscura

    31R0Y's Trading Thread

    We have quite an inventory, including some things you want. Sending you a PM.
  15. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Added the Sa-58 rifles into the inventory.
  16. ObscureObscura

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Added a Bizon to the stock.