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Posts posted by newoz

  1. hey i would like to give it a try, 


    im 23 years old, in college speak fluent enlgish, mostly play on a steady panthera server ( pvp sniper map.) but i also tend to play some normal chernarus dayz aswell.


    i can be serious at times, but normally il just lay back make some jokes and let time pass by.


    just le me know if u think we can co-operate.





  2. hey dude, im looking for a partner for some time now aswell,


    i would realy like to give it a go with yah, im 23 years old, fluent english like to play seriously but a few laughs now and then should work aswell.


    i myself am a die hard sniper, but only shoot when im in danger myself, i dont shoot on sight, most fo the time, il ask them to drop weapon or something like that,


    well if u feel like it gimme a call or something. just message me back on this topic aswell :)




