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Everything posted by prote

  1. How to install Epoch PANTHERA MOD hope it helps!!! prote
  2. Our new XS42 Website, with free Teamspeak + 2 Epoch maps chererous + Sahrani, epochs biggest map!! come join in the fun!!! http://www.gamevilla.nl/servers/ How to install Epoch Sahrani... peace
  3. [KCG] CLAN ARE HACKERS!!!!! PROOF!!!KCG- hackers, tho i only caught USER: [kcg] Nut Nut what bambi idiot hacker spawns in with as50 and gilly!!!! there banned, but i want them globaly banned, how can i do this? i didnt record it but have about 8 witnesses, + the whole server and i could get the logs from admin, he tele infront of us, as50 gilly (lol so obvo) we nailed him...... nothing, then we all die, while we were shooting him he was typing to us, [KCG]NutNut please help me cost these so called hackers (cough) (copy pasters) money by having them globaly banned
  4. hi guys, i put together an epoch trailer, you wont have seen anything like it, please let me know what you guys think
  5. hi guys, i put together an epoch trailer, you wont have seen anything like it, please let me know what you guys think
  6. its gunna be a good one guys so get over here....... CAR AND GUN GIVE AWAY!!! to the 1st 10 people or groups to join :) mature friendly admin and the best antihack.... Apocalypse Runners ORIGINS server up and running now!!! Be the 1st on for the best base spots, best loot,best vehicles JOIN AT: Mature Active admin basicaly 24/7 ill even give away some free guns to the 1st 10 people on because im feeling kind :D for any questions and recruitment to the [APR] Add me up. here are some vids for ya too........ STEAM: Prote101 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvzTYje9yJU
  7. sory hater.... :P nah cheers mate, im new here so still trying to navigate properly... admin have moved now bud, cheers for the heads up, no quarms come join in :D
  8. prote

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    hi, i was wondering if my group would be able to apply for one of your servers, were from the uk, all +18 thank you for this opportunity
  9. You Rock!! couldnt say better my self, accept: try get some friends (out of game on the forums, then go in together) (join channels teamspeaks, poeple in there will help you) you will find the game very hard without some one there to show you the ropes