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About Qiwik

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  1. No random empty tin cans in standalone, so open food can lying on a white substrate will most likely indicate a used note.
  2. Qiwik

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    On the patch day half of the posts was posivite about the patch, the other half seemed to be more content of the fact that someone might not like the patch. Exaggerating, but still. Then I tried to actually find that "someone" on forums, reddit, etc who was displeased with the patch and after some search couldn't find one. Wtf is wrong with the people.
  3. Qiwik

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Feels like the new smart loot system is in action. Similar results like 10 food, 10 clothes, 3 backpacks and 2 guns (the numbers are random) per city. Very few same items, except the most common ones. Of course, it can be a coincidence.
  4. Qiwik

    Open discourse about hoarding.

    Two times already in 0.53. It happened so easily that I wonder why not everyone has the same gear.
  5. Afaik we were clearly told vehicles/central economy/etc first, run speed tweaks after. I think it's a wise decision. Run speed is one of the things that are currently set to "On", like tons of food and health regeneration(though I only hope it will be removed).
  6. Qiwik

    Teenagers who play

    Nothing releases stress better than showing a few prepubescent boys who's boss.
  7. Froze to death while running fully dry clothed in bright weather and trying to find a matchbox. Back in the mod we would catch an illness first. Just lost a first flashbang, otherwise it would be a usual "ladder" death.
  8. Qiwik

    DayZ BULLSH*T AT IT'S FINEST... [ 1:11 ] very early alpha :(

    That dead guy on the roof can be the same sad panda who thinks you'll never know the truth that you killed him because of desync :)
  9. Qiwik

    Beware of the Cherno snipers

    The spot on the tallest structure in Cherno is well observed from tenement buildings in Chapaevsk and Novoselky. Of course, if it is the same structure described.
  10. It was stated that server owners will be allowed to deside different parameters like whitelists, pve or pvp, etc. Only for private shards, if I remember correctly. And it was only an intention. Seems there are literary dozens or hundreds of public hive autokick servers now. Was there a change of server hosting rules? Because I'm eager that other people are looting my loot that I haven't collected yet. Lately I've started to keep count of such servers. Next step is slaying as many fresh spawns.
  11. Qiwik

    Reporting status loot on military base

    By the way, according to the map NWAF shouldn't (almost) have neither fnx nor sporter mags. Let's say they were in game for a log time and they weren't bugged: no flipped icon as 1911; no issues such as with shotgun speedloader; associated pistols work rather well, first stage balancing was made. So decreasing their presence in loot tables is absolutely logical as they aren't necessary for testing anymore.
  12. Can confirm 15+ hours lifetime backpacks that survived server restart and preserved all items. Didn't check further.
  13. Qiwik

    Sawed-off shotgun - range?

    Two months ago a fuel station always took 7-8 shotgun shots from 15 meters to be blown up. For sawed off shotgun it was two shots from 1 meter and 20 shots from 15 meters and the station was still okay. Spread and recoil were terrific. Effective range not more that 10 meters. Besides, the station takes only 3 strikes with Hoe or Pixage now.
  14. Qiwik

    Why is everyone so shifty?

    Aiming at unarmed guys, wow, you're so mighty. Pressing space would put you at sooo disadvantage. Simply pathetic.
  15. Qiwik

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Judging by global chat in the mod ratio of normal talk to something really stupid was about 1:5 in the best case. What is the point of implementing a feature that will be worth turning on? Still global or increased range and more common walkie-talkies will be a cool thing.