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Gan Ceann

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Everything posted by Gan Ceann

  1. Gan Ceann

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Guys, the Mountain Dew curse is real. Me and my friend were making the most of a hacker-induced server restart, obtaining a Huey as soon as possible and flying to inland markets to stock up. We were planning to inhabit Skalisty and live as long as possible while holding the island against all intruders. The scavenging was going well, finding much food and drink. We moved on to a town and a few seconds after entering a market while I stood watch, my friend exclaimed, "Mountain Dew! ...and there's two of them, one for each of us!" I was excited, but nervous. I explained to him the stories of the bad luck associated with finding but not drinking a Mt. Dew immediately. He brushed off the worries, and I complied with his reasoning, though I told him to keep both until we got back to Skalisty and I could really enjoy the drink. We finished our search of the market and got back to our heli, which I fired up and lifted to a relatively safe altitude while my friend consulted the map. We agreed that it was getting late and that we should fly back to our private island and log off for the night. I began maneuvering to orient properly and began picking up good speed...this is when the curse struck. Humming along with no sign of any problem, I suddenly disconnected involuntarily. I immediately notified my friend of this through our Steam call, to which he responded with an eerily calm "Yeah..." I see his death message pop up on my chat. I reconnect as soon as possible, and find myself perfectly healthy and unscathed, standing on the roof of a schoolhouse we had been on a few minutes previously. From this rooftop, I have a perfect view of the flaming, mangled wreckage that was our conveyance, but was now my friends' metal coffin. I can only assume that the curse spared me because I did not possess the actual can at any time, nor did I get in any position to lay eye upon it. Only my friend saw and touched it, two cans in fact. The tragedy of his death and the loss of our heli and all that it contained was enough to drive me to take the long walk off the schoolhouse roof and log out, to start over fresh the next day. ***EDIT 8/10/2013*** So, today I was adventuring with the same friend and things were going great. We shot and hacked our way through more than 50 zombies, looted quite a lot of food and drink from various small towns and found an unattended Little Bird with full green condition and gas in a rural area. After we scouted the NEAF, we decided to call it a night. I piloted us to Green Mountain, as It's one of my favorite log-out spots due to it's isolation and the defensibility of the broadcast tower. But it wasn't going to be that easy. As I came in for the landing, I got another abrupt disconnect. I was stunned for a second before scrambling to reconnect as I said "Uh, Stephen..." to my friend through our Steam call. He responded, "What? ...what are you doing? OH DEAR GOD." I spawned back in on the Eastern slope of Green Mountain, looking through the darkened forest at the blazing remains of the chopper and the final resting place of my friend, again. The two cans, maybe causing two deaths? Hopefully, this curse has been lifted after this incident, which marks the second time he has been utterly destroyed with no damage to me. If this continues, I may have to stop adventuring with him, as the methods of his deaths seem to also involve collateral damage to my newfound property and general harm to our progress...
  2. Gan Ceann

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I once went to Green Mountain. Well, twice, but the first time, I do not think counts. I am still very new to DayZ and do not know my way around Chernarus at all, which is why I decided to take a bike from a coastal town and just ride around the countryside to see what I could see. (I did not think this was a particularly unsafe thing to do, as I was on a low population server, maybe one or two other people.) So, I flew off into the hills. The speed on those bikes is crazy, and I covered quite a bit of ground. Eventually, after finding some military lootables including a nice AKM with some ammo, I saw an interesting building on the horizon: the Green Mountain spire. There was no hesitation, I decided to check it out. I figured it was probably a large tourist spot, being so noticeable. I didn't fret about the possibility of zeds there, as I had my new gun and was itching to use it on something. I zoom up to the base and I immediately notice that even though it's an important-looking compound with a huge building, there's no zombies around it. None at all, not even corpses. I jump off my bike and walk around for a minute, searching for any loot. Not finding any, I just mount up and make my way off the mountain and to my eventual bloody demise at the hands of some dirty zeds in some dinky town I got caught in. A couple days later, I start reading this thread and I hear these tales of Green Mountain. I find it very odd that while there is a clearly documented history of GM spawning masses of zeds and having strange occurrences, while I was there nothing unusual happened...except it being totally empty. So, I decide to go back. I hop on a high-pop server and spawn in Chernogorsk, almost perfect. After getting some basics, I start the long overland run to GM...sadly, I did not find a bike this time. By the time I get to GM, it's night. Luckily, I had a set of NV from the server custom loadout, so night wasn't that much of a problem. As I worm up the hill to GM, I see a couple of zombies hanging out near the gate, one walking out of it and one hopping around just inside. My silenced Bizon (yes, that server is very loose with the loadout) made short work of them, and I infiltrated the compound. There was one other zed I could see, standing over by the mass grave, and he joined the rest. Now, here comes the doubtful part. I am laying at the base of the tower, between the tower and the nearby bunker or shed or whatever it is. I hear, from one side only, a LOUD zed moan. I spaz a bit, check my surroundings, I'm OK and still hidden. Now, there are some bushes back between the tower and the compound wall that could have hidden a zombie, but that doesn't quite explain what happens next. I crawl around the base of the tower clockwise a bit, to get a good view of the front gate. I had mentioned in side chat that I was going to GM (which no-one responded to), so I figured I might wait for any prospective bandits that would try to bushwhack me as I dink about in the relatively constricted compound. I lay there for maybe a few seconds and then I hear a faint gurgling moan, not like one I had heard a zed make before (though, as I said, I'm inexperienced so it might be a normal sound). The bad part: the noise was VERY faint, not anywhere near how loud a zombie inside the compound would be to someone in my position. I might have just ignored it under other circumstances, but I was paranoid from being on GM and I'm glad I turned around...because not more than 5 feet behind me was a military zed standing and facing my direction. I blasted it in the face with several rounds, and it dropped. I grabbed a morphine auto-injector off it, ran into the tower, climbed it and logged off. I might go back to that server once I get over the (relatively minor) scare. How did it get so close to me so quickly, given that it would have to travel at least 25 feet (to my reckoning), with no wandering? Why was it so quiet? I know it might have just been a particularly heinous spawn, but I never witnessed a zombie spawn, much less one spawning that close to a player...