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About Rafaelion_TM

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    On the Coast
  1. Rafaelion_TM

    More Clothing and a way to differentiate Bandits

    i liked that bandit stuff... it was some way to define player ... and i was looking for a metting with them.. i had a thrill when i saw one.. i liked it. i woild like to be bandit ass well.... maybe not after reborn.... but once for life and than start with clear acount.... anyone can try a bandit and see that is not the way it should bee play... i really hope taht the proffesions will be evoluting ... i thought that was the idea. with out it i dont have to play... in reall life i meet common people.. here should be an adventure... bandits was giveing that to common players... ( i dont get it... no evolution of player because it punnish someone...?) there was so may people wich get in Day Z and killed anyone just for funn and than they had begged to not kill him.. caus he did'nt do anythink wrong... ( sad and unresponsible ) when you make your way to play... you should have some oportunities for evolution of person... not only into a bandit... what is the goal of Day Z... walking and gatherring stuff, and shooting each other? ... where is the adventure than? ...in getting cold? (I think that if there are bandits.. there should be a BOUNTY HUNTERS that look different cause of hunting on bandits!!... and we have two clear sides . common players are not punnished and not gloryfied for nothing... without makeing differences this game goes nowhere... . and i would like to have more options to create diferent personality... the, seeker, medic, hunter, fighter, zombiekiller and many more... common player look is borring , every new abilities will be exposed in new sets of uniforms wich would be avilable only for specyfic proffesions. WHY NOT USE THAT OPORTUNITY?
  2. Rafaelion_TM

    More Clothing and a way to differentiate Bandits

    i allso would like to be able to use my own face in game wich is bigger than "0 mb" ( about clothing i wrote in different topic!!! ) : "i thought that in the game will be more specializations... like bandits...( ... medics... hunters, junkeys, even kanibals could be interresting- all it would be able for some stats.. medic - for healling, junke for overdose morphine and other druggs... ) About bandits... i liked it... tey should look different.. maybe some balaklava on head, so they could change rest of uniform when find one? ) ( can be able different clothings to find, wearable only for bandits...) and that way should lead somewhere ... some restrictions in use of stuff like axe, fire, hunting. - to make harder life of bandit... So far bandits had the best life in game. allso .. when you becomeing a hunter would be able to wear ghili suit- wich will be unavailable for other "proffesions" , you should not be able to use food from caN - or regenerate it in werry small way- ( you should hunt animals and get more meat from them -cause u are expert in that .) Medic can use advanced medkits and heal faster other people,and faster regenerate himself when eat and drink, but can use only short weapon..? and can not wear any camo uniform -is it possible to make for medic some sort of clothings to find in hospitals? ....?)"
  3. i thought that in the game will be more specializations... like bandits...( ... medics... hunters, junkeys, even kanibals could be interresting- all it would be able for some stats.. medic - for healling, junke for overdose morphine and other druggs... ) About bandits... i liked it... tey should look different.. maybe some balaklava on head, so they could change rest of uniform when find one? ) ( can be able different clothings to find, wearable only for bandits...) and that way should lead somewhere ... some restrictions in use of stuff like axe, fire, hunting. - to make harder life of bandit... So far bandits had the best life in game ;) allso .. when you becomeing a hunter would be able to wear ghili suit- wich will be unavailable for bandits and , you should not be able to use.... food from caN ( you should hunt animals and get more meat from them -cause u are expert in that ...) Medic can heal faster,and faster regenerate himself when eat and drink, but can use only short weapon..? and can not wear any camo uniform -is it possible to make for medic some sort of clothing to find in hospitals? ....?)- it just ideas :)
  4. Rafaelion_TM

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    again.... ;) i think it would be beter when... infection be able to get from injurry that cause zombies.... and bondage would fix blood lost butt illnes grows as sort of rotten inside and player would spread that illnes on others until he find some helping hand to clear the wound using chirurgic tools (like toolbox) ( it would work like transfusion.. until than he would have fever ->temperature rizes and you ar dying - untill that he can only keep him self alive by takin painkillers medicines and antiseptics. ) about matches... make randome sources of fire... zippo ( needs fuel ) ... magnesium ( survival style ) -it would randomize time needed to burn fire about wood ... it would be funny chop a tree with axe or pile with chainsaw... and than like meet from animals we can gather it) axe and chainsaw would be a nice weapon too. :huh::huh::huh: how about that ? ( sorry for my english ;) )
  5. Rafaelion_TM

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    sorry i have to!!!!!--------------> Alpha. Not Beta. If you want bugfixes' date=' but no new experimental features come back in 6 months. [/quote'] --------------------------- without critics the game might not come to beta in six month!--------------------------. and who let so many people play on untested game mod .... it should help in making game so get use to critics..... anyway idea DAY Z was great. temperature idea was..... ( u know ...in polish language)
  6. Rafaelion_TM

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    ---- there is "kurwa" ... inside: "NOSZKURWAJAPIERDOLE!" and now i staying away. ;)
  7. Rafaelion_TM

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    i was play today on day z and i will wright it in "Polish languaga" so u dont know that i will use bad language....( anyone want .. translate it for him self ) :.........................................................................> Co za zyebany debil dostał się do ekipy tworzącej DAY Z i wdraża popierdzielone na maksa, kaleki i totalnie posrane pomysły jak infekcje , kupki drewna, i totalnie zjebany system sięgania do plecaka po cokolwiek. - NOSZKURWAJAPIERDOLE! jeszcze termometr w dupe wsadźcie graczom to pomoże!!!!! <............................................................................... that's all ( it was nice to play DAY Z ... it had great oportunities... i am sorry that it going down. let me know when somethink will change ... until than ... play without me . ... o! u can ban me for bad language :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@
  8. Rafaelion_TM

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    if i get in a car on rainy day... will i get warm? whiskey and overdose medicines could change character as well as killig ppl... ( not in to a bandit but in to a junkey.. and the abilities would be decreased when nod drinkin to long. -getting tirred faster, aiming problems- wood should be able to gather easier in forrest ( maybe not as a pile... it could be colectable by dead tree? or bush? --- and one more... ( if i would hunting and sneaking in forrest long time ( 10 - 20 animals gutted?20 campfires burned, no loot gatherred) ,could i get a ghili suit sometime? ( just on upper body? ) as a hunter charakter? i dream of it ( crossbow and a ghilie!!!!! and vodka! ! one more think: wildlife danger: bears snakes, wild dogs, fox( could atack in groups 2- 3 ) animals could atack when injuried? -(sorry for my english )- did i say that DAY Z is the best of all?