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Everything posted by Void91

  1. Void91

    Your dumbest/embarassing Bandit stories.

    I stumbled across a camp with barriers, tank traps, wire, all of that stuff that screams "I'm friendly!". I spent a good 10 minutes loading all the weapons and ammo into one vehicle to use as my quick get away. I was butchering their tents and other vehicles one by one and laughing the whole time. I killed another survivor who looked like he saw me and was trying to get closer, so I started hurrying up before his buddies started showing up. Got into an offroad truck and it wouldn't start. Soon enough I'm on the ground bleeding out with a giant flame and a smoldering vehicle next to me. I guess I started shooting the wrong vehicle eh? Rage quit right after the death message popped up. Bandit: 0 Stupidity: 1
  2. Void91

    Looking for hardcore BANDIT squad

    Hello, I'm the Co leader of a bandit "clan" called VSF, we are a division of a milsim unit called 4SFG. Most of us have been playing since DayZ first came about and we're just looking to add more experience into our ranks. We have been playing DayZ Overwatch primarily right now, but it is subject to change. Main thing i'm personally looking for is an experienced sniper. But I'm subject to anyone who has experience like said earlier. Jump into our teamspeak and give us a quick chat. Talk to either me (Void) or the leader Dark. Our teamspeak is ts3.4thspecialforces.com Thanks for your time.