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Posts posted by Hectic_one

  1. Name: Casey


    Age: 28


    TeamSpeak Name: Hectic


    Mic: Yes, I have a working headset/mic


    Why do you want to join:  Sounds like I would fit in to this clan very well.  


    Experience in game 1-10: hard to rate myself... I suppose I would say I'm a 7 (you can judge for yourself).


    Timezone: Central U.S.


    Bio: Work from home (leaves me lots of time for gaming), I live with my girlfriend, No kids... just pets. Of course, my main hobby is video games.


    In Game Name: Hectic


    How long have you been playing dayz mod and or arma: 6 months


    How often do you play a week:  Usually everyday for 4-8 hrs. a day


    Any questions about the clan:  Yes, how many active members do u currently have?  What is the clans average age for each member?  If I join will I be asked to donate to something/someone?  Also, will I be playing alongside the core/veteran members of the clan.  Or will I be told to just team up with some random new member?


    What can you bring to the clan:  Experience in most facets of the game, good communication, very dedicated.


    Skype name: Hectic0314


    What other games are you currently playing:  None ATM... just DayZ.  I was previously playing tons of games.  I really enjoy DayZ so I haven't played anything else for the past 6 mos.


    Favorite flavor milkshake: Chocolate (if you must know)


    Are you willing to play new games with us: Yes, depending on the game.

  2. I have been playing DayZ for a while now and would like someone/a group to "team up" with.  I like to have fun, but I am truly looking for people who want to be serious and tactical about engagements.  I would also ask that you at least know the basics (such as: flying, driving, repairing, weapon&ammo knowledge... etc.).  I would prefer people who are mature (20+).  I  also ask that you play the game often and plan on playing standalone.  Oh, this might go without saying, but you must have a mic and be able to speak english. 


    I live in the US in Central timezone and play during the day-time as well as at night... just depends on my work load (I work from home) on how much I am able to play on a daily basis. 


    just PM me if interested




    P.S.  Please do not contact me, in an attempt, to get me to join a clan of 20-500 people and/or to try and get me to help fill up your server.  No offense, but that is simply not what I am looking for.  I just want some serious, tactical people to team up with for some DayZ killing :D .  



