Ok, I had to make an account just to respond to this, because I just needed to let you know that if you're using melee and you get hit by a zombie even once, you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong. Here is how to properly melee: Make sure your weapon of choice is up and ready (if it is down just press Mouse1 to bring it up to be ready for attack) Hold down Shift, or whatever is your walk button, and slowly walk backwards while the zombie is approaching you. This is assuming the zombie is aggro'd. When the zombie gets close to you, but NOT right next to you (so about 1 to 2 meters away), immediately swing your weapon. This should be done right before the zombie comes to a full stop, as when they come to a full stop they will immediately attack you and hit you (like you said they attack you in a flash). After hitting the zombie, release shift and backpedal at full speed. If the zombie is dead, you are done. Repeat this process for any additional zombies. If the zombie is still alive, repeat this process anyways. Congratulations! You now know how to melee like a true master without ever getting hit once. What the constant backpedaling does is it makes the zombie continually have to stop attacking and gain more ground, thus it's harder to attack you while you're moving. Also keep in mind that melee weapons have a much larger range than they would in real life so you need to use this to your advantage or things are not going to work out for you in the melee department. This comes from days of experience with melee weapons. They're basically the only weapons I ever have out. Guns are for chumps. EDIT: After reading some other responses I'd like to point out that this method that I described works just as well out in the open as in a building. Obviously in a building you aren't going to full sprint backpedal from zombies because they are slower, but still. People say it's super risky to engage zombies out in the open and I do it all the time without getting hit once.