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Everything posted by Hunter_Killer

  1. Hey there I am GMT and have a micro-phone, I has been playing Arma 2 + Dayz for about 2 years I am now re-installing it, however there is one small problem, I am 17 years old, however if you would be willing I would very much like to have an 'introduction' period where you could 'examine' whether or not I am suitable for your group. I also have skype plus I will be able to join tonight when my game is installed (30mins) (GMT). Thank you for reading this. Edit: Looking for an organized and reasonably mature player group, I used to be in a one before but it disbanded after the leader's server stopped being funded.
  2. In-game name: Hunter_Killer Why you want to join: I've been playing Dayz for a long while, though I have just decided to re-install it but whenever I play I dont die specifically fast its just that I end up stuck, to weak to enter a city safely and weapons too weak to murder plays, I have only tried bandit work so far so it would be nice to play a 'hero' :). Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on: GMT (now summer holidays so for the next month online almost everyday.)