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Everything posted by Steven89

  1. Steven89

    My first experience of DayZ

    are u serious about all that "played 3 days still no gun" thing ? i mean...finding no gun and just get bitchslaped by melee i mean...that is just horrible... i feel sorry for new players that get dominated bye a crowbar or a axe....get the holy shiiiet beatn out of u...breaken your leg...thats just not right -.- i hope u are in a better place now. axe bless you...ahhhh i mean god bless you sorry
  2. Steven89

    My first experience of DayZ

    dude....made my day....but tell me more pls...i want to know the exact feeling....crawling on the floor with a broken leg....pls tell me :D
  3. Steven89

    Today was a good day.

    dude u r so right ! this happened to me to.....was in stari sobor walked into all tents found a m4 camo sd and a m9 sd im like wooooow and a nice cayote backpack.....i felt like a boss and so i ran to the woods......server crashed... if u are forced to hopp on a other server in a place like that.... ok server no.2 should i go check the tents ? yeah ich check the tents and find alot of stuff wanted to take off the server crashed to... server no.3....should i check the tents again ? ok the last time then i will leave first tent...checked the loot...5 seconds later boom in my head gear gone everthing gone XD
  4. hi guys....have been playing this game for like 7-8 days.....and it keeps getting better :D really good work there what would be amazing if u could loot the players clothing like the camo one or the ghillie suit....i think its a waste if the player is just dead with that type of clothing on them just an idea :D
  5. Steven89

    My Apology to Rocket; Maybe Yours Too

    what 3.000.000 they made off of him because ppl buy the games to play the mod ? and he doesnt want money he does it for free Oo damn rocket... u are the boss R-E-S-P-E-C-T !
  6. Steven89

    feels like i beat the game

    wow....so u really beat the game ! u are such a good player....... -.- .......
  7. Steven89

    Alt + F4 exploit

    ehhmmmm....dude i think u shot me by the tents..... i didnt alt+f4 if that was me...i got killed and instant respawned....because i dont give a f... ive i get killed...its a part of the game... i dont know if u checked the body...i had like some camo m4 i think and a m9 sd on me see i was by the tents in stari sobor i went to the first tent it was dark on the server and someone sniped my ass 1 shot and down :D if that was u i ant mad and nice shot :D
  8. if u have a opinion..thats okay bus seriously marke them on the map thats just bullshit sorry
  9. Steven89

    just shot my first person

    dont have to feel bad....its ok....the first one is the hardest....just kill 2-3 more and everything is ok....then kill another 10-15....it will start making fun....kill another 20....and u will never want to stop ! (psychopath) ;D honestly try it
  10. ok the reason why it drops is because i couldnt find any water and was heavy on painkillers....started a rampage and killed everything that moved :D ok just a little joke but i think the reason is that the players let themselves spawn...and spawn....and spawn...untill they are near a town...so they mabye die like 2-4 times.... it could be that it could not...just my theorie
  11. Steven89

    The game isn't hardcore enough.

    patch out the weapons.....bring in the tornados.....the tsunamis everything.....lets have a zombie apocolypse catalysm wtf i dont know..... dont know if your post is serious ? but hey....real life can be a bitch so let the games be one to or what ? no thanks ohhh i forgott.......DEAL WITH IT NEWBS
  12. if this goes 1 person only....bye bye dayz
  13. Steven89

    zombie aggro

    hi guys.....after the thing with the aggro is perfect ! u can crouchwalk during the day but u have to keep some distance and u dont pull them from afrika.... really good job i think what do u guys say ? :D great job rocket keep it going
  14. Steven89

    zombie aggro

    ok that think with adding through the walls thats true happened to me to....but the rest is fine
  15. hi guys....first of all great work ! i know its a alpha version...so im not mad or in a rage just wanted to open up a nother thread about the "sneak" and the "aggro range". i walk very slowly up the stairs: AHHH F... OK I GOT THIS....its only 4 zeds infront of the bulding coming inside now ok....and there are 20 coming from electro btw i am in cherno just so u know guys... i think its kind of funny....ill just wait till the new patch comes and i hope u fix it rocket :D i think its amazing that this game is difficult and not easy. but the zeds are broken....when u sneak slowly u shouldnt add them in a building (LOS) an at nighttime....u shoul be able to sneak past them...if u aggro them in the daytime from like 20y its ok :D sorry for the wall of text
  16. yeah if seen it :D its awesome
  17. Steven89

    Changes to "SNEAK" ??

    hell the new sneak thing sucks....ass....big fat round ass....today i sneaked up a stairway....i can hear zombies that i aggroed from afrika.. so thats why i just rambo in town go in to a house and everthing is ok. i dont try to be stealthy anymore its just not worth it so yeah...it broke this whole " i sneak around and get me my beans in that house over there" sorry cant write anymore.....MY KEYBOARD WAS TO DAMN LOUD GOT ! 10 ZEDS ON MY ASS.....BYE :D
  18. hi guys....me and my friend logged in and he has spawned in a room without a door....could a admin or someone pls help us....this is really not good :D i have no problems to die to a bullet or a zed but this NO !!!
  19. Steven89

    log in stuck in room without a door

    i was on a roof with my friend....i spawned correctly he didnt....he is in a room downstairs with the door closed....actually u cant go in that room
  20. Steven89

    log in stuck in room without a door

    we dont want to lose all the gear u know....thats the point
  21. Steven89

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    thank u very much for keeping up the work....i was just wondering....i went on 10 diverent servers and i didnt find food/water or bandages in markets etc....so problem solved i guess :D...... melee is awesome....killing animals without shooting them and add zombies from africa :D
  22. hey first of all thx for the affort u put in to this mod.....its really turning out great.. the only thing whats not ok is that the zombies aggro during the daytime waaaaay to agressive....maybe just cut down that distance :D ive been playing this game and its hard as f... but i love it keep up the good work
  23. Steven89

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    dude keep up the work.....only thing i dont agree is the thing with the CZ 550 the rest is very amazing good job
  24. Steven89

    able to loot the clothing

    u see its just a idea.....some will like it some dont and i think its okay :D