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Everything posted by Steven89

  1. Steven89

    Scary night time time heli crash site

    in game i dont see the smoke from the crash sites....is this just a bug to me...or does this happen to other ppl to `?
  2. Steven89

    Revolver and M1911 nerfed?

    jopp...they got nerfed and i think it kind of sucks to...i allways liked the good old m1911
  3. Steven89

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    u know why i kill ? because the voices in my head say so :D
  4. the worst thing u can do is go prone....the problem is...some servers have nametags enabled that is the first problem. the second problem is u can only see the gras up to 150 metres so that makes it easy to spot u.... if a sniper is on your ass run left an right and dont put any structure in your zig-zag :D good luck buddy..
  5. Steven89

    ~{SoH}~ Takes Cherno (1.5hr VIDEO)

    ohhh ok :D sorry
  6. Steven89

    ~{SoH}~ Takes Cherno (1.5hr VIDEO)

    i had some great fights with SOH on nl4 :D actually they are cool guys talked to 2 of them :D
  7. Steven89

    Killing an entire crew with an AS50 in Cherno

    i dont like playing on servers with nameplates...
  8. Steven89

    Dayz - Gladiator Bus Rescue

    dude this is just awesome :D
  9. Steven89

    Chicken kills tour de france hopeful ! news at 11

    what a chicken :D
  10. Steven89

    Video - Executing a Noob... Leave comments.

    the weakest link in the group has to be killed ! only the strong survive :D
  11. Steven89

    [VIDEO] Don't Shoot Me I'm New!

    it was awesome
  12. after this video....people will still ask: why do all these people shoot on sight :D
  13. das mit den foren ist so schlimm geworden...als ob es was ausmacht das er ein paar buchstaben dreher drin hat ich bitte euch :D jeder weis was er meint ! option A: man hat interesse und schreibt ihn an option B: stop trolling and move on :)
  14. i go on the forums everyday and all i read is.....yeah fuck sniper rifles they are to strong.... well the chance that u get hit from a 50 CAL and survive is GOD DAMN 0. ok and to the guys bitching about snipers...how about u just play more stealthy and dont run like a full retard into the firestation ! we all know...going full retard will earn u a bullet. all this player killing has to stop...we want to survive the zombies and play together and all have some fun....if this would happen i know u all would shit rainbows but NO...just NO i will tell u why this killing isnt going to stop ! because heartless bastards like me will just snipe other players and before i pull the trigger im like: DUDE i bet this sorry ass right here is a guy that flames the forums and wants retarded changes etc.... and now pls.....call me a COD kid just do it.....no srsly....do it....do it
  15. Steven89

    Lost Tape

    keep on killing...your a good man
  16. Steven89

    DayZ learning curve

    this ! what is left after u got the best gear....hunt players....make them cod kids cry :D
  17. Steven89

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    so ghillie suits have been removed.....wow so the ppl finally flamed hard enough to get them out of the game :D
  18. hi guys...just want to ask u if this happened to someone to....so me and my friend logged out in the middle of the woods...as we both log in i just hear my bones crack and i am dead...he is like...dude what the fuck why did u die... i have no idea....i lost everything cayote, DMR, M107, NVGs and and and....its really strange... well i guess i have to start again...WHAT A RND DEATH :D
  19. Steven89

    logged in and just died

    i will unleash my fury in cherno...with a hatched :D
  20. Steven89

    logged in and just died

    it cant be....my friend logged on like 1 minute earlier and was in the same tree :D so i dont know what happened....but its a alpha :D
  21. i guess the first thing i would do is....walk out of my house and scream.. ANY FRIENDLYS IN MY FUGGIN CITY :D ohh and i would take off my pants.
  22. Steven89

    Broken Leg: Options

    tell me were u are....i will put you out of your misery.....shhhh...no tears...only dreams now :D just kiddn
  23. so who wants to trade.. befor we meet in game i want to have a talk with you on teamspeak or skype and i will have a sniper with me...so if u take me down....you better have some insane alt + F4 skills or you end up dead to :D just send me a message thanks :D
  24. Steven89

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    can someone pin this post !
  25. Steven89

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    dude i give u all my beans....this is awesome