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sakage (DayZ)

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About sakage (DayZ)

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  1. after august 11th. i just dont have the spare cash to pay for it. if you're regulars i apologize, hopefully you can find another relatively stable server to make your home.
  2. sakage (DayZ)

    battle eye kicked for corrupted memory error #0?

    yeah i was driving around in my tractor, got kicked came back the tractor was 100 feet away still running. kept running towards it, getting kicked, and running back. finally got it off. still, this is ridiculous
  3. happening across multiple servers. wtf is going on?
  4. sakage (DayZ)

    Kick on Connecting on most but not all servers

    well, the good thing is he can connect to my server. us 34 seattle.
  5. sakage (DayZ)

    vehicles not spawning anymore?

    there's only like ~20 land vehicle spawns on the map. if they manage to find everything, and in accordance to rockets rules, move them on a daily basis, then yes, no other vehicles will spawn, as they are all working and in use. so you will need to destroy them. though in the cleanup thread somewhere they mention that new vehicles, if they are destroyed, will "respawn" where they are currently located. so if you screw up your car, as long as you have parts when the server resets you can fix it right away wherever you left it.
  6. i host seattle 34 and about a week ago now, we had a camp set up with 6 vehicles. 2 cars, a ural, a motorcycle(my baby), a military offroad and an atv we had just found. i think it had been saturday or sunday, we had been in talks of moving our camp to be less conspicuous and had successfully moved four of them to two of the new camps(we were keeping them separated so less chance of people finding them and what not). this was just after the hive was getting hit hard by the possible ddos attack. the next day i restarted the server as usual in the morning to get the time synched up and clear out corpses and what not. two of the guys who had been at one of the new camps found that all of the vehicles that were there were gone. i logged in at the old camp to see if they had reverted which they hadn't. we ran the driving routes to check there because during the ddos attacks we had been traveling by vehicles and when we came back everytime, they were 2-300m away where the servers had last saved their positions. there wasn't anything. we checked all the major spawns that afternoon where they always had been previously with nothing. not a single car had been spawned anywhere. a few days later is when we find out there was an aussie kid who had been scripting on our server(we had played with him like 2 weeks before, decided we didnt really like him and hadn't heard from him since really, also time zones never really ran into him otherwise). so we set up a sting op and he comes rolling in on an invisible car, what he said was a hilux. he was floating above the ground in a seated position so we can only assume he was telling the truth, but he said he had been doing it for a few days now. the timing works out, is there any possibility of his scripting causing issues with vehicle spawns? he has obviously been banned and we submitted the cheat report that day after we killed him and banned him from the server. if its not him could it be something else? i found a uaz like 2 days ago and we have seen boats, but no bicycles and we havent even heard another vehicle or seen one spawn in the days since. the sheer fact that our vehicles had been spread out over a few kilometers makes me feel like they couldnt have been stolen and no one inside our group would have betrayed us, were all friends irl. so my question is, has anyone else had an issue with vehicle spawns? or this same issue and is there any fix?
  7. we had a kid script hacking, we knew him from before he started and was coming to "give us" some items. were already working on getting him Battle-eye banned but since i have the option on the in-game rcon screen which wasnt working, i was forced to repeatedly kick him. anyone know if theres a player list where i can ban his pid from the server?
  8. got reports from friends in teamspeak near NWA about seeing 2 apaches flying towards the NWA. i warned everyone the server and kicked everyone but myself and the friends that were in the area. i told them to go get screen shots since i was elsewhere on the map. fraps was opened slightly too late to capture the helicopters in action, but we did get video of a burning wreck on the airfield before everyone started losing connection to the server leading me to believe butthurt hackers were mad i kicked them off. i got screengrabs of the disconnection messages. will post them once i get them off my steam cloud. video of the wreck will soon follow. server will remained locked for awhile to discourage said hackers.
  9. our server just went through a restart and when we came back all of our vehicles were gone. kind of upset cause my sexy motorcycle disappeared but if its a hive issue like we were having yesterday i may have hope.
  10. i run a 25 man server. it was the only thing in my price range that i could pay for on my own. id gladly take donations to increase the slots but 20$ for 25 slots is quite a deal.
  11. Yeah I restarted a few times too but mine never came back. Also have never seen that error before so the hive must be fucking up right now
  12. we just lost everything too. we had 4 vehicles all loaded up with guns/ammo/supplies and they all disappeared and didnt respawn in their usual spots. was having massive lag spikes so i just decided to restart the server when it came back up nothing was there. i just took it down now (seattle 34) see if theres a statement or a rollback coming. i mean i was running through a town and no zeds were spawning, no loot, nothing. hopefully we get a rollback and all our stuff back >.