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Everything posted by Maxiee

  1. Age: 15 Country of Origin: United Kingdom English Skills: Good Obviously Dayz Experience: 5-6 Months Do you have DayZ Origins: Yes, Played for 1-2months Do you have Teamspeak and a functional Microphone: Yes How active are you: I'm able to get on everyday most of the time.
  2. 15 Years of age and from the UK message me up! :D
  3. Name: MaxAge: 15Country: UKWhat role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Ground Man, Assault Rifle.Skype: Max.obmFormer experience with Dayz/Origins: Played DayZ Origins 2 Months. BanditAny Former Clan(s)?: SOS DayZ Clan. We play on Xtreme Tactics - No Bullshit - Just Gaming server IP:
  4. Hey I'm Maxie, I've been playing DayZ for around 4-5 months, I know what I'm doing when it comes to player vs player conditions. I'm also from the UK. skype: max.obm 15 years old Thanks
  5. Hey I'm Maxiee, I'm looking for a team to play with in DayZ Origins. I've played origins for 3-4 months so I know what I'm doing. 15 Years of Age skype: max.obm I have TS3 so message me the TS details. Thanks!
  6. Hey, I've played Origins for 3-5months, I know what I'm doing. From the UK. 15 Years Skype: max.obm HOOK ME UP!
  7. Played DayZ for 10months, I know what Im doing. Playstyle In DayZ/Origins is mainly 'Hero' but soetimes Bandit. skype: max.obm From the UK.