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About blackvipergaming

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  1. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    The mod is pretty much dead because I have lost all of my supporters. I am still working on the map with a few arma 2 mod teams but I'm not sure that we will continue the dayz aspects of this...maybe if we get more support once again we could have a release within the next month but without it it just wont happen. If you wanna see this mod supported try to get it out to your friends and anyone that can help...I am still recruiting mod devs for my team if anyone would like to help. Again private message me if you would like to be part of the team.
  2. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Hmm how many DayZ mods have you seen that are in America? Name one and ill back off. None have been in America. BTW my lead dev was trying to say that you should not judge a mod because of where it will take place. Thats like saying oh ill take that million dollars, oh wait did you say it was from Switzerland? Oh well nevermind. Give things a chance before you judge. And FYI the mod will originally be on Chernarus until we complete the brand new map.
  3. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    OP heavily revised...
  4. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    New website up and running. Check out OP for URL
  5. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Umm you saying that you don't think it will be changed is irrelevant. Did you read my original post? It states that I am making another dayZ mod so I can definetly change it. And there is no bonus huh? How about strength in numbers, and eventually repopulating the world right?
  6. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Hey guys just wanted to make a topic to help With new mod I'm making. This is just to get specific replies for this topic so I can possibly incorporate these ideas into my mod. If you want to check out the mod go to this link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144323-dayz-outbreak-new-mod-wip-looking-for-a-dev-team/ Anyways here is the topic. HOW CAN WE IMPROVE DAYZ TO RELY MORE ON TEAMWORK RATHER AND SLIGHTLY DISCOURAGE PVP?
  7. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Edit: Zombies and loot will no longer be spawned on server start. Map of Bainbridge island development will be delayed until we get the mod working stable on a current map. Original post changed to reflect these changes.
  8. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    What I will find is that spawning all zombies on server restart using headless client ai and only spawning in cities about 30 per city will take a lot of load off of the server. As far as the loot, that is up for evaluation.
  9. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Got it.
  10. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Great that was quick. I'll send you a private message with my skype name so you can add me then we could chat.
  11. blackvipergaming

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    Revised: For more info about DayZ Outbreak please check out our new website. http://dayzoutbreak.wix.com/outbreak-gaming All updates and info will be on that website. If you want to donate to help us get a server so we can get the closed alpha and beta going that would be great. Follow us on facebook by searching for DayZ Outbreak and on twitter @DayZOutbreak Thanks. If you still wish to be part of the dev team go over to the website and hit forum and make a post and we will get back to you asap.