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Everything posted by DeeRanged925

  1. DeeRanged925

    =167= Recruiting for Vanilla DayZ

    Submitted an app, looking forward to possibly joining you guys.
  2. In-game name: DeeRanged Why you want to join: I'm tired of the lone wolf playstyle, I would really like some structure. Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on: Eastern, Every day all day.
  3. I'd like to join if possible.
  4. I'm 19, i'd like to join you, i'm not immature but I have a good sense of humor. Also have about a year and a half experience in dayz.
  5. 1. IGN : DeeRanged 2. Age : 19 3. Location : US 4. Language : English/Very little Spanish. 5. Length of experience with Arma2 / Dayz) : A year and a half. 6. Why do you want to join? : I'm tired of the lone wolf playstyle. I'd like some organization and structure.