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PhaZey Wazey

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About PhaZey Wazey

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  • Interests
    Music/Sound production
    Constructive shit for games like mapping, designing, (sound production here aswell)
    Uhm. Yeah.

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  • Bio
    No shame, no fear, no worries. I'm the kind of guy that would jump across rooftops to win a bet. (Btw it's more the honor of winning a bet rather than the cash, kisses or whatever I'm promised).
    I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in March 2014. I've been into music and digital production for exactly about 5 years. The day of my 18th birthday will be the mark for exactly 5 years. I play some guitar, I'm not amazing but I'm learning :P
    Imminent boring shit about my life;
    My dad's an alcoholic, bad childhood with a bad/none fatherfigure, my mom's an overdramatic bitch at times, and also a chainsmoker which is gross, especially when she's cooking dinner and little bits of ash fall down on the food, and she just scrapes it off like it's nothing. That sucked alot, so I confronted her about it and now I cook all my own dinners. As a result, I always eat alone with hardly any contact with my family (currently consists of me, my mom and my second stepdad), but it's not like we've ever eaten together anyway..

    Still reading? I pity you.

    So my real dad was a musician aswell, he's who gave me my first music program, it was magix music maker 11 or something like that... It was too simple for my taste, clicking and dragging samples and all that shit.. So I got FL Studio instead, and started working with that. Never varied from it, which is something some may see as a bad thing, but I think it's pretty nice since now I know the program like the back of my hand and am able to produce my own sounds like drums, basses, synths and ambience (especially ambience) without a single drop of sweat. Unless it's summer and my room is really hot.
    Man I love summer.

    I prefer winter in videogames, since it's really goodlooking and everything.. But god damn, winter IRL sucks balls. Hate the cold and the wetness and the freezing my fucking fingers off everytime I wanna check my phone when I'm outside. :/
    Plus, summer has bikinis. You don't see hotties in bikinis running around making snowmen.

    And this is the point where I have nothing left to say.
    I was gonna post something on the forums but now I've forgotten since I got stuck writing this shit.
    Hope you're happy.

    I just noticed this text: "Enter a few short details about yourself, your life story etc."
    Short details.
  1. PhaZey Wazey

    Looking for DayZ To Join US

    Seeing as there are so few of you, and your style differs from mine, I don't think I'll be joining.
  2. PhaZey Wazey

    Thank you!

    Hahaha what the...
  3. PhaZey Wazey

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    Being in a hurry with christmas eve and everything and not bothering to read the remaining two pages of this thread... Two things I think the devs intention may have been with this; 1. Decreased precision of guns like the to make firefights longer and more fun. In in the dayz mod, you were a dead man if you were ambushed, unless the ambusher(s) were horrible shots. I believe decreased precision gives the amushed atleast a chance to react before either getting killed or retaliating. Isn't it great, that people are now given a slight chance to defend their many hours of hard work and survival? 2. Decreased precision as a placeholder for the standard weapon precision which you may be able to upgrade using a skillset, may it be skillpoints or your characters accuracy simply improving like 0.01-0.1% for every bullet that hits a zombie or player. And if you misread/simply missed the first thing said in this post, these are simply things I think the devs may intend with the weapon precision being so off atm, these are not ideas, but mere explanations of possible scenarios so that you may understand what the hell I'm on about.
  4. PhaZey Wazey

    Job Applications

    Let's not turn this into an argument.. Reaching out and establishing connections doesnt equal stalking.
  5. PhaZey Wazey

    Job Applications

    I don't like waiting around for somebody to notice me :P I show them what I got and what I can do, and it's worked out good so far.
  6. PhaZey Wazey

    Thank you!

    Easter eggs?
  7. PhaZey Wazey

    Job Applications

    I might actually need a way to contact Dean personally (Since BI atm doesnt accept internships), whether it be personal email or any other way to contact him online. Adding him on steam doesn't work; He's either blocked all friend invites or simply has too many friends. Messaging him on the forum doesn't work; He's unable to recieve messages.
  8. PhaZey Wazey

    Explosion in Cherno

    AFAIK the only explosives implemented so far are gas station fuel pumps.
  9. PhaZey Wazey

    End game?

    When I reach my endgame I like to go to the north and explore the unfinished mapping.
  10. PhaZey Wazey

    Suggestion for us non bandits.

    I've had experiences where unconcious folks log out, sure they die and all, but their bodies seem to disappear on logout anyway.
  11. PhaZey Wazey

    Job Applications

    Many thanks! Edit: Yeah I noticed that message.. Ah well, if it means I get to help out with this I'll gladly move to Czech ^^
  12. PhaZey Wazey

    Suggestion for us non bandits.

    I very much support this idea. Holding up armed survivors is a challenge, especially when there are more than one of them.
  13. PhaZey Wazey

    Job Applications

    Not sure if I'll get a good answer out of this, but here goes.. I need to know who exactly to contact when it comes to working for Dean Hall or his employers. No, I'm not the completely clueless idiot you probably think I am right now. I have a list of ways to contact Dean but I want to make sure if he has any emails or something specifically for applications like this, before I go ahead and attempt contact. I don't wanna send a message to everything he has, since that would be annoying as hell.. So basically, if you know any specific emails or places I can go to apply for a job, it'd be much appreciated. And by appreciated I mean beans. Thanks in advance.
  14. PhaZey Wazey

    Looking for DayZ To Join US

    Before I do anything I have some questions; what exactly will your group be doing? What's your playstyle? How many of you are there currently?
  15. PhaZey Wazey

    Epoch in SA.

    What's with all this hate on Epoch...? How would it ruin SA? It's not like adding Epoch would cause Vanilla to cease to exist.. Everyone likes different things, alot of you here obviously hate Epoch, but I bet there are some that might even hate Vanilla because of how easy it is to get to the endgame there. Certain Epoch servers have AI missions, basebuilding, disabled traders (something I appreciate, survival shouldnt be something you can simply buy). However with the extra weapons, vehicles and rarities that Epoch (and ofcourse other mods like Origins) features, theres a much further endgame than you'd find in vanilla dayz. IMO it's not really fair that you should simply stop others from experimenting and modding their servers for the simple reason that you don't like it. You people should rather just stick to the servers you like and leave the modders to do their thing.