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About tehremee

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tehremee

    Unofficial Trailer thingy?

    Thanks for pointing this out, never even noticed it. Gave me a good laugh :D
  2. tehremee

    Unofficial Trailer thingy?

    Ummmm.. so I was bored and thought I would make something like this... enjoy...(hopefully!). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nbRnCBkyZ8
  3. tehremee

    Why does everyone I run into kill me?

    I've tried to avoid players that are along the coast as they are the ones with A:Gear and WILL kill on sight or B:Nothing to lose and will also try to kill on sight. I've found that moving further to the North and clearly declaring friendly if you see someone will tend to avoid firefights(running straight for them with an ax out may get them jumpy on the trigger finger i know irl if someone was running at me with an ax I would be scared), and may even end up in a nice trade of supplies. Also another note. If your approaching a military base/structure or are in the direct vicinity of one, be very cautious because every time I seem to go to one and see somebody they tend not to be very friendly. But yes there are those of us that are friendly out there. The main problem is finding us as we tend to be more cautious of other players. lolz...
  4. tehremee

    Weapon and Ammunition Rarity (Discussion)

    It would be nice to find more guns(not like good guns or anything) but have it much harder to find ammunition(and possibly find guns that work and some that don't due to damage/wear of some sort). That way even if you do find a gun and it doesn't work/have no ammo for it, others wont know that. Can still effectively hold people up/keep people with melee weapons at a distance(as long as they don't call your bluff).
  5. I agree that there is a bit to much military loot at Balota airstrip, but removing all of it(so that a shotgun or a pistol is all that you could find there) just doesnt seem... DayZ like. I think the coast should have some form of high risk/high reward(some military loot at balota), but as it is I think there is a bit too much. Some other thoughts about this: Balota is very avoidable(I know this doesn't stop people from killing on the coast, but others killing fresh spawns has always happened). There are better places to loot that really aren't all that far from Balota; Some random military hold out south east of palvolo, Zelen, chreno, the apartment buildings north of Balota(which seems like a really nice sniper nest). Still in alpha and not much else to do. Not saying I play the game to KoS but when you get gear, and a rather full load out of food/drink and meds, what do you do with it? Hunt down all the zombies on the server? Hold up others and laugh at them?
  6. tehremee

    Dumb ways to die

    I found myself at novy and ended up meeting another player. He said he was new to the game and was extremely lost, so I explained where novy was the best I could. We ended up deciding we were going to loot stary and then head down to zelenogorsk(since it has a military section in the SA). As we ventured down the road looting anything we could for about an hour or so, we stumbled across what appeared to be a new military camp in the fields near kabinino(something like that). We scout it out and decide we were going to head up to the treeline and follow it down into the base. As we got to the treeline we found a deer stand and my new friend decided to climb up it to get a good look around. I asked him how he wanted to approach it and got no response. I asked him if he was alright, only to see a body lying in the grass. I went up and he was dead. I was very sad that this had happened :( . My new friend gone because he decided he wanted to run out of the deer stand instead of climbing out.
  7. In the mod you could take pain killers to get rid of blurred vision. Try that and see if it clears it up. If not, idk?
  8. tehremee

    Water Canteen + Bottle

    I've tried doing this as well(with a canteen) and was unsuccessful :(
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU7N0vAIaBQ of course there was a slight side effect...