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Everything posted by piffaroni
a nicer way to post gametracker top 10 players from my server?
piffaroni posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Gametracker has the code to post a banner on a site, but its very simple, and plain, and not eye catchy.... Is there any way to set it up differently so its nicer eye candy looking? -
According to my server provider, they claim, that until dayz control center gets updated to the new 1.8, they wont update. is this true?
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
well dayz priv offers other things no other server provider offers.... its not about updating, if it was up to me, I would have stayed on! it had better weapons!! Either way, staying on the bleeding edge of a alpha game, is not always a wise thing to do. Everything worked on, everything.... my on dayzpriv after 2 months after the switch to still was ranked in the top 100's world wide. I didnt make the payment for the server and lost it, and was never been able to go back....I miss my as50 and mk17 silenced to be honest I could care less about 1.8. my server is now ranked top 50th place, and 1.8 has been out for a while now. Im scared to update, every dayz update has ruined something about the game I, and many others have liked. Maybe a simple allow / disallow button for certain weapons is better then forever erasing them out the game? -
StarworldsGameServers.com #Instant Setup, #Great Support, #Full FTP, $15 For 50 Slots!
piffaroni replied to starworlds's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Hey my server provider is kicking me off after this month for some reason, I have a server thats ranked 50th, anyways, being at 50th place, I get alot of players world wide, and I am looking for a new provider do u just provide epoch and killing floor? no dayz? -
my server provider told me only supports cheranus will 1.8 support other maps?
I keep seeing alot of people getting kicked for wrong signature files. Can I disable this? verifySignatures = 2; Enables or disables the signature verification for addons. Default = 0. Weak protection = 1. Full protection = 2. Changed in 1.59 patch with: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=115114 will it make my server less laggy if I disable it?
Will the release of the single player game signal the death of the modding community?
piffaroni posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So I understand dayz is a MOD, from a simulation military game called arma. I also understand that the single player will soon come out, and with that, I was wondering, would this be the death of the modding community? I large amount of players had arma 2 and arma 2 ao, and getting a mod was pretty much there for free. Unlike other company's, that crush any modification of their game down with the corporate iron fist saying NO MODS For example, the direction the game is going by "banning the AS50 and M107". Many people complain they miss the guns. A simple on off switch would have been nice, but to remove it because someone doesnt see a place for it because its "to strong" I just see the release of the single player as singling the death of the modding community because I cant even mod, a mod, to get our favorite weapons back.... -
Will the release of the single player game signal the death of the modding community?
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So for standalone, we wont be able to MOD dayz anymore? We wont be able to create and make our own post apocalyptic worlds? Will we really be forced to look for empty soda cans, and such? Whats wrong with spawning people with gear, maybe some people want to make believe they are people para shooting in electro with the halo mod to fight off a disease or something. What if stand alone flops? There is no gaurentee that it will sell. Then you will have a dead modding community and a game that flopped -
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
have other server providers updated? -
do i need a script for my cars to repair and refuel on automatic server restarts?
piffaroni posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I am paying for a dayz server and I use to be on where when my server restarted, it would FIX and REFUEL my cars... now, my cars just stay broken, my service provider says I need to pay $20 for scripts to make it this way is this true? What about having the way I had it before -
do i need a script for my cars to repair and refuel on automatic server restarts?
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I am having strange issues. I spawn my own cars using the 3d map editor. about 300 cars. When the server is restarting, someone or something is spawning in 300 cars My server provider said this You where misinformed there are loads of scripts / not to mention hacker scripts that can do thisis this true? I bought anti hacks and I thought it was suppose to stop these things please help -
that does NOT work
is there a fix for this? everyone keeps spawning as a bird on my server
piffaroni posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I run a server and wanted to get the bizon pp as starting load out, but it bugs dayz control center if you try to add it, and its amo try it and you will see. also manually importing the gun as a starting loadout the game crashes -
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
the problem is in dayz control center, it will let u load the bizon, but as soon as you put a bizon clip into your inventory, the bizon clip takes up basically ALL your slots... here is the code i changed it from a working loadout i had, and pasted the things in [["Binocular","NVGoggles","ItemGPS","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","glock17_EP1","bizon_silenced"],["FoodSteakCooked","ItemSodaCoke","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon","64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon","HandGrenade_west","Skin_Sniper1_DZ"]] loading this into my loadouts causes the server to not load. which makes me believe this bizon bug has lived in dayz since dayz was created....can it be fixed, or is the bizon just a bugged gun? -
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
But i want the 64 shot bizon.... will they ever fix this bug? -
adding objects to my server, like russian and american flags , and field hosptials
piffaroni posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I want to add bases to my server, and have certain bases have certain flags. when I add them like cars through the tools menu of dayz control center they never show up do I need to add them in the database or something? also, where can I get the code for all the weapons and amo that are legally available in dayz now? I am looking for an amo create load out generator, similar to dayz control center loadout generator only for creates of amo -
adding objects to my server, like russian and american flags , and field hosptials
piffaroni replied to piffaroni's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I tried adding them in as vehicles following these directions 1. At the main menu of ArmA press <ALT + E>. Select your world [World]. 2. Once you are in the 3D editor do the following: Place "Center (F10)" anywhere on map and hit OK. Place "Group (F2)" anywhere on map and hit OK. Place "Unit (F1)" anywhere on map and hit OK. Your mission can be saved now! 3. Find anywhere you like on the map, <RIGHT CLICK> and select "default camera" (takes you to 3d view). 4. Upper-Right Menu select "Vehicle (F5), double click the ground, select the vehicle/building to place, hit OK. 5. <LEFT CLICK> and hold yellow circle for object and drag to place. Hold <SHIFT> while holding <LEFT CLICK> to rotate. Hold <ALT> while holding <LEFT CLICK> to raise or lower object. 6. Hover over the object and hit <DELETE> to remove. 7. Save your progress as "User mission" under name [Your Mission Name] 8. Press the "Import" buttons below to upload the file from the following source and add the vehicles and/or buildings: But they dont show up on my server. Is there a tut online or something? I have searched and couldnt really find anything. also, what about the amo create loadout generator? and the list of legal guns? -
populated server need like a 2 hour reset or else the server starts to hang...
so time still doesnt work on 1.8? there was a time bug on my time would freeze. can you fix TIME in next update?
BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1
piffaroni replied to Omaran's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
did anyone ever find out why this is happened ? My server was running stable, now everyone gets CreateVehicle restriction #0 when joining.... why is this? Does commenting out the 5 "SeaGull" stop this? will this allow hackers to spawn cars? please reply -
damn, makes me want to wait for or what ever version... how long will this update last until the next update comes? I would rather stay on a stable (even though its still buggy, people can play without getting kicked by battle eye) If these issues will cause more issues, why do we need to be on the bleeding edge for dayz?
DayZ Community afraid of the Dark?
piffaroni replied to neosky5k's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion has a know time bug... I wanted my server to run from 1600-2300 and restart, but the stupid time sync bug ruins it -
im curious, the fix log says * [FIXED] - Antihack. I personally have been ripped off by 3 anti hack sells, my thread is here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/148082-tired-of-getting-ripped-off-by-anti-hack-sellers-please-help/ so I am wonder, what anti hack is fixed, and it what way, because it never really worked...
is it true that has a know time sync bug?
piffaroni posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
good day, I am a server admin who is on I have a 4 hour reset starting time at 1700. time moves forward, but if you die, when you respawn you come back to around 17:35 (5:35PM) I contacted my server provider and they claimed, its a known bug with is this true?