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Everything posted by piffaroni

  1. piffaroni

    My cars keep dissapearing on restart

    this http://opendayz.net/threads/tool-cusom-vehicle-spawns.10580/ it works , I am using a reality dayz hive I believe... I was using the dayz control center before when I was on a provider... since they could not update to 1.8 dayz I got me my own dedi. but now, dayz control center had a FIX AND REFUEL cars button, which would do it. I dont know to fix and refuel cars now... or why the keep disappearing I noticed my weapon creates keep disappearing too
  2. piffaroni

    My cars keep dissapearing on restart

    I use the 3d editor to place the cars and heli where i want them. I load them in with the spawn vechile tool which i downloaded here and it placed them in instance vehciles and world vechiles regular dayz mod, just halo jump and self blood bag
  3. someone told me in order to stop the server nukes I need to kick people when they explode helis how can I do this?
  4. piffaroni

    how to kick people for heli explosions

    who tell hell are you to tell people they shouldnt be running a server>? MAYBE IF THERE WAS ACTUAL PROTECTION AGAINST HACKERS. again, nobody in this community helps. what can we do to stop server nukes? nothing? at all?
  5. I have been kicked off my server provider forced to buy my own dedi on my other provider I had a 50 slot server, but when 50 people were on it, it would lag, do to I guess more games being on the server now im dedicated and wanted to know, realistically how many people can be on without lag or dsync
  6. I am now renting a dedicated machine to run my own server since I was kicked off dayzpriv for no reason. anyways, I lost support from a provider so I am on my own, I got someone to put 2013 PrivateHiveTools (v1.0.2.2) so I got this tool to import the cars and stuff but they spawn without gas and stuff dayz control center had a fix and refuel cars thing, how do I fix and refuel my cars now?
  7. oh, well I guess I will have to work with what I have... also, I was going to ask, a dayz epoch server will lag more then a regular dayz server? since it has all the AI?
  8. well, something like lag, should factor in with network speed also, I would think.... would it be possible to over clock my dedi for better performance? has anyone attempted to ever over clock a true dedicated machine? I see people over clocking to 4.5 mhz, I would like to try this. if it breaks, its not my hardware, so I could careless, I paid for my month. Would it be possible or could it cause a meltdown?
  9. so if i wanted to make my server, epoch for example, it would allow less then 60 because its modded with epoch? so your saying 50 max for a epoch and 70 for a naked vanilla server? Since epoch, in theory would run less correct? I thought I would be able to have 100 people lag free on my own device.... shouldnt my server tho, in theory have better performance then someone who rents it off the more popular server providers? since its only running 1 server? it seems, like performance will be the same as on my other provider running who knows how many servers on 1 machine...
  10. so im still wondering how many players can my 1 dedicated machine hold can in hold 100?
  11. so if we do the math if you run 3 servers with 50 people on it, then I should be able to have 150 players on my server?
  12. yes but you said you have 3 dayzmod games going on that. I will only have 1 game 1 server
  13. yes its from a true hosting company. So back to my question at hand, how many players can I get on the server? considering the facts
  14. still would like to see someone post a true 100mbps download and upload from a home line...
  15. go to speedtest.com and post your results. I seriously doubt you can reach 100mbps on a home line this was my test from my home good, but no where near true 100 mbps
  16. what kind of hard ware would i need. so far i rented this for the month Technology: Ivy BridgeCPU: Intel i5 (4 cores / 4 Threads)Frequency: 3.1GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost)RAM: 8 GB DDR3Hard disk: 2 x 1TB SATA2Bandwidth: 100Mbps - 5TB /mois
  17. Hello all. I run a server, and so far I have been ripped off 3 times with anti hack sellers for dayz Can someone please, tell me, pound for pound, what is the best ANTI HACK for DAYZ, period? No, I am NOT talking about ADMIN tools, which if you ask me, is a hack menu to spectate people, I need an ANTI HACK to stop hackers BEFORE THEY HACK. I can not spectate 50 people at once. Hackers are still able to mass kill everyone and destory buildins for example today we were playing the game, and I was going to electro to meet my friend taking cover in the church, all of a sudden he says he heard an explosion and all the buildings in electro go "bombed" or destroyed. this was happen with the other anti hack I had, I personally seen the buildings in cherno being destroyed but no one was around there, so I didnt know who did it. It became a frequent thing, the destruction of buildings, which in turn, makes the server EXTREMELY laggy to the point where I have to restart the server... now I had put the server to 4 hour restart and its working now going forward from 1700 until night time, and everyone was exciting and wiating for night, then the hackers came in started destroying solsincy and then lagging the server. then anyone who joins gets the receiving data hang. so now on restart it goes back to 1700 and no night time, people dont have hours to play, some people work or cant stay up to late because of school. so far I have spent over $100 on anti hacks, and NONE OF THEM do anything, most times I believe its false positives so I would like to try 1 more anti hack before I just give up on dayz.
  19. Some hackers, seem to be destorying buildings in my server. what logs do I check for this? I cant find the answer anywhere
  20. nope. they come regular with the game no modifications
  21. I was wondering, to have a lag free server, whats the best place to put the buildings and bases? the database or mission SQF?
  22. so, my idea behind this, and correct me if I am wrong, if I do it to the mission, each player downloads it? Then, it would for the most part, create less lag because it wouldnt be at the merrcy of being have to streamed to players who might not have good internet speeds? Would this take care of dysnc issues as well? seems like data base each player needs to constantly need MORE information being piped down through the internet, causing a bottle neck? less info means less lag?
  23. is there a way to turn this OFF, it becomes annoying
  25. my server stays packed with 40-50 people I in certain places its a warzone, and a couple dead bodies and the fly noise is way to OP. where is the on / off code so I can disable it?