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Everything posted by piffaroni

  1. my friend created a server pack for dayz stand alone... my private hive server will be up soon
  2. its called a BAD BUSINESS move to sell an alpha game. after the games been in alpha for 2 years, on the same Bohemia company. what the hell were they doing for 2 years, this new release should have been a MAJOR step forward...not backwards
  3. I guess is the final version, for us who prefer the mod?
  4. So wait, anyone who has any thing negative to say is a troll. and of course, the answer to all bugs is, "its just an alpha"
  5. funny any negative comments about the game here get deleted
  6. I am sorry, but as a customer, I feel I am being nickle and dimed to death, for example, I paid $60 for arma 2, to play dayz 1 year ago, which has been alpha for over a year 1 year later, I pay $30 to get stand alone alpha. So I have spent $90 and 2 alpha games, and seems like nothing has been fixed... if anything, they SA is WORSE then the MOD, which is not good business,
  7. that makes no sense..... we are suppose to see IMPROVEMENTS, and move FORWARD not pay money, see things worse, and move BACKWARDS
  8. point is, after over a year of development, the 2nd "alpha" is worse then the first,...
  9. saw on reddit someone made a private dayz server. how do I do this and run my own server?
  10. piffaroni

    is it possible to run my own Stand Alone server

    well me know someone who make a private pack me going to have a private dayz server soon me happy
  11. piffaroni

    is it possible to run my own Stand Alone server

  12. hacking, bugs, and beta testers is what will end this game
  13. piffaroni

    Can a mod/admin/dev read this please

    SO WAIT, ALL THE HACKS FROM DAYZ MOD WORK ON DAYZ SA.... wow, so its just a matter of time before the servers start getting nuked, and people start asking why they are paying money for being a beta tester and no hack fix
  14. piffaroni

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    hasnt it been an alpha for life a decade already?
  15. its all about epoch now...dayz will die a slow death
  16. piffaroni

    The main thing that sucks right now: The FPS

    yes, low FPS have plauged dayz mod and now it carries on into the game. surprised?
  17. SOME PEOPLE....SOME know its an alpha. others will buy it, and see the bugs give bad reviews, and it will be over... reminds me of the aliens colonial marines flop. millions were poured into the game. and because of the bugs, it flopped. this game is not immune either.
  18. piffaroni


    game will flop. to many "customers" will complain.. why are they selling an unfinished product... bad reviews will poor in, game will die.
  19. piffaroni

    The main thing that sucks right now: The FPS

    FPS , SERVER NUKES, AND BUGS... things that made it over from the mod to stand alone
  20. piffaroni

    Character control is awful just like arma 2 movement

  21. piffaroni

    Dayz mod Players?

    yes you will need to be a beta tester to pay and play dayz and no your not special because you bought arma 2
  22. piffaroni

    Guns spawns?

    empty soda cans are whats in dayz stand alone
  23. piffaroni

    So, where are the 100 player servers?

    this will just fragment the dayz community, and epoch will take over as the top mod. people will buy this alpha, realize they are paying money to be a beta tester and give bad reviews.
  24. So stand alone was released. this means that all development will now go the SA, and the MOD (along with a great community) will now die a slow death.... I guess this means , epoch is the only MOD that will continue to get updated... its been fun...I guess the servers will soon die a slow death too....its been fun!!!
  25. piffaroni

    server nukes

    care to post your file ? I dont know what files to add what to