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Everything posted by WrecklessMEDIC

  1. WrecklessMEDIC

    EXP - Map now shows the players exact position

    I never use the maps anymore. Usually have a pretty good idea where I am and where I'm going. But if they actually do implement something useful like a position indicator I might pick them up again.
  2. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    You are passionate, I'll give you that....lol. And I can respect that. We'll just have to agree to disagree. :)
  3. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Unfortunately, there are plenty of Colts fans out there who actually believe that "the Colts are the best team out there". Not just as an opinion, but that they actually believe it as a fact. In much the same way that a lot of hardcore players believe that 1PP is "the ideal playstyle". In their minds they think it is an absolute fact when actually it isn't.
  4. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    You keep forgetting to add "in my opinion". ;)
  5. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    You can't ever convince 3PP players that 1PP is the ideal playstyle. Just like they'll never convince you that 3PP is better. Like I said before it's all a matter of personal preference and opinion.
  6. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Yep, definitely sounds like hardcore players are more polite. :P
  7. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Calling it unbalanced is an opinion. All players on a normal server have the same options. Therefore it's a fair playing field. But this debate will go round and round forever with neither side convincing each other that their opinions are more correct.
  8. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Those are opinions, not facts. ;)
  9. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Ever think the reason you haven't died is because you've spent 1200 hours in the game and are just really, really good at it? ;)EDIT: Btw 1200 hours?! That's over 40 hours a week since the Alpha came out. I really hope that's not accurate.
  10. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
  11. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Look I get it. You like to pay video games as some uber hardcorz only dude. If it makes you feel cool and better than others then have at 'er.
  12. WrecklessMEDIC

    Poll - Why aren't people playing hardcore mode

    Hardcore isn't "balanced" as you say then either. You could just as easily have a visual advantage over your opponent in first person too. Just because 1 guy can see the other guy first doesn't make it unfair.
  13. WrecklessMEDIC

    when is coming the note to stay?

    This just made my day! I was in a bad mood until I read this post. Beans to you Shrub! Just for being so dang positive! :D
  14. WrecklessMEDIC

    Paramedic Clothes Spotted and Maybe More

    That's awesome that they're adding in a medic uniform but red is more of firefighter color. At least anywhere I've worked we always used dark blue colors.
  15. WrecklessMEDIC

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    Very odd indeed. Since Northern Alberta is exactly where I am working. And it's not pitch black here ever.
  16. WrecklessMEDIC

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    That's odd, because here in Northern Canada I can see very, very well in the middle of the night without even the moon to help guide me. Nearest civilization is 200 kms away and night time is no where near as dark as it is in DayZ.
  17. WrecklessMEDIC

    hidden Fake death animation?

    I once took out a guy at the northeast fire station in Electro after he killed one of my buddies. He was bleeding all over the floor and as I started looting his body all of a sudden he just jumped back up and started heading up the stairs! I chased him all the way to the top and took him out for the second time before he could reload. Freakiest thing ever.....lol.
  18. WrecklessMEDIC

    Love the New Sway

    I expect to see cars quite rarely but hopefully things like bicycles should pop up more often. Even riding a bike would be better than the long enduro-walk across the map.
  19. WrecklessMEDIC

    Love the New Sway

    As long they implement vehicles first. I can't imagine slow walking or having to take long breaks during my daily NWAF - Electro sprint.
  20. WrecklessMEDIC

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Obviously, our definitions of elitism differ. ;)
  21. WrecklessMEDIC

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    And this is exactly the kind of elitism I was talking about. Thank you for proving my point.
  22. WrecklessMEDIC

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Forever ever? ;)
  23. WrecklessMEDIC

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I'd love to see a kill cam implemented like Call of Duty. But alas, all the uber-elite hardcorz would complain so I don't ever expect it to happen. :(