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Everything posted by WrecklessMEDIC

  1. WrecklessMEDIC

    apologists are delaying development.

    Alpha Dog
  2. WrecklessMEDIC

    apologists are delaying development.

    Alpha :P
  3. WrecklessMEDIC

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Easy there champ. Take a deep breath. You make it sound like Frankie raped your mom or something..... sheesh.
  4. WrecklessMEDIC

    Anyone use a controller?

    This is the kind of setup I use. :)
  5. WrecklessMEDIC

    Anyone use a controller?

    I use Xpadder as well and I really like it. I too am much better with a controller than I am with a keyboard/mouse. Even though I've been playing PC games for many years, I'm still better with the controller. :)
  6. WrecklessMEDIC

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    You did this all in ONE day?! Thank you for reminding me how much I suck at this game. :(
  7. WrecklessMEDIC

    How long to gear up?

    Sorry, I misread. If u just mean a basic weapon like an axe and some food then less than an hour. :)
  8. WrecklessMEDIC


    I think that's a great idea! I was actually just thinking of something like this the other day. I'd love it personally. Would add a lot more depth to survival. :)
  9. WrecklessMEDIC

    Long range scopes?

    Found my first and only long-range scope at the NWAF! :D I am now too scared to die and as a result.... too scared to play. :(
  10. WrecklessMEDIC

    [POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

    I've having a blast. Much better than the original mod IMO. I can't even imagine how much better it's going to get over the years. :D
  11. I don't think it would at all be feasible to use a kill cam as part of some revenge tactic. But I do see it's use as a learning tool. Seeing how you died will naturally help you to play better. Maybe you won't go running into that grocery store so quickly next time, maybe you'll spend a little more time scouting a village, etc....
  12. I think it would be a nice feature. I would definitely use it if I could. :)
  13. WrecklessMEDIC

    I want some canadian servers

    I've found quite a few Canadian servers while playing. Even a couple in BC where I'm from. :)
  14. WrecklessMEDIC

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Think you got that backwards. Hardcore=Call of Duty kids who want to shoot everything they see Regular=WoW players who want to play it as an MMORPG
  15. WrecklessMEDIC

    February 24th Devblog Summary

    I really like the idea of zombies spawning in the forests just outside villages and cities then being slowly drawn towards them. Makes way more sense then a random zombie spawning on the street in front of you. Plus as an added bonus it makes sniping from the tree lines a little more dangerous cuz u never know when a zombie might come up from behind you. :)
  16. WrecklessMEDIC

    Grimey Rick standing down from DayZ within a year.

    Lmfao...... I almost choked on my beer! Thanks for that. :D
  17. WrecklessMEDIC

    Best loot route(personally+map route)

    Very nice! That's pretty much exactly the way I gear up. My buddies like to head north to the shipwreck and slowly work their way west, but I prefer to get to the west side as fast as possible. :)
  18. What the heck is "Garry's Mod"?
  19. WrecklessMEDIC

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    If you don't get a heart attack from sprinting full speed from Berezino to the NWAF without a break I'd be surprised.....lol
  20. WrecklessMEDIC

    Magnum or FNX45

    Finally found a silencer for my FNX45 and you're right it doesn't work yet. First time I tried it out I was like "Damn! That's loud"....lol.
  21. WrecklessMEDIC

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Yeah, I guess I could consider myself a "Dirty Survivor". I tend to play alone most of the time and avoid conflict unless I'm with a couple buddies of mine. Grouping up definitely brings out the worst in us.....lol.
  22. WrecklessMEDIC

    What sort of player are you on DayZ? *QUIZ*

    Nice! Mine was fairly similar. Although I can be dick sometimes. Not gonna lie. ;) What sort of Player are you on DayZ? Your Result: Survivor 80% You are the all round DayZ player who depending on his mood will choose whether to kill or not to. You tend to talk to people but shoot anyone who appears to be a threat. At least however you don't go around sniping new spawns on the coast. 42%Hero 27%Bandit 8%KOS'er
  23. WrecklessMEDIC

    144Hours found my first mosin + LRS

    I've got a little over 100 hrs in the SA so far and I have NEVER found a LRS and have only found a Mosin once. Unfortunately I tried painting it with a black spray can and glitched it out. It's all good though. Finally found an SKS and so far I'm enjoying testing that one out. :)
  24. WrecklessMEDIC

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    20 players max?! What time of day are you looking? I know first thing in the morning where I live there are a lot less people playing but I've never seen it that low.
  25. WrecklessMEDIC

    What Are Your Favourite Weapons And Why? (Multiple Choice)

    M4 - because of customization possibilities and plenty of ammo. Firefighter Axe - because 1 shot killz!