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Everything posted by WrecklessMEDIC

  1. You "think" you know what the developers want but really you have no idea. They want to make money just like everyone else and they'll do whatever it takes to make DayZ as popular as possible.It doesn't matter what you want either.
  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa...... Easy there champ. No need to get all illiterate hillbilly up in here. :P
  3. WrecklessMEDIC

    The Lone-Wolf playstyle

    No offence, but of course that's how you would see it as a 30 year old. There's a world of difference in maturity between a 30 yr old and a 40 yr old person. Just stating that you look down at 20 yr olds as "kids" shows a level of immaturity.
  4. WrecklessMEDIC

    Rocket on Ghosting vs Barricading/bases

    Seems pretty straightforward to me. Some people just seem to over analyze things too much.
  5. WrecklessMEDIC

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    "Oh and apparently women will need a tampon every once in a while if they survive a long time." That's just weird dude. I really hope they don't go that far.....lol.
  6. WrecklessMEDIC

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I couldn't care less about the different calibers. There's more than enough variety in the game already IMO. I'm glad they aren't planning on adding anymore different ammo types.
  7. Play around with your key bindings and you'll get it to work. I personally use xpadder to set up my Xbox controller. Works pretty good. :)
  8. WrecklessMEDIC

    Should walkie talkies have text chat?

    They could just call them walkie-texties. Problem solved. :P
  9. WrecklessMEDIC

    What do you die from?

    Lmfao...... exactly! I die probably 95% of the time from glitching through windows/walls or falling off ladders and stairs. Very, very rarely do I die by another players hands. :D
  10. WrecklessMEDIC

    In the name of god.

    Psssht.....That clearly says he's in Hobbin Cobop. Make your way to Kambewobo and you'll be fine. ;)
  11. WrecklessMEDIC

    Has anyone accidently shot their friend?

    "Accidentally" and "on purpose" mean the same thing right? ;)
  12. WrecklessMEDIC

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    I work at an oil refinery in Northen Alberta, Canada hundreds of miles from civilization. Even on a cloudy night without the moon or any source of light I can still see far better than DayZ's version of nighttime. You're eyes can remarkably adjust after spending enough time in the dark. Unfortunately that is just not possible in DayZ right now.
  13. Absolutely! Statistics is something I've wanted since December.
  14. WrecklessMEDIC

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    Made for adults...... not sociopaths. :P
  15. WrecklessMEDIC

    Saw this floating around. Yes please!

    That is pretty gross, honestly. I've seen enough of that stuff at work. I don't need to see it in a video game too.
  16. WrecklessMEDIC

    Helicopter crashes are now in experimental

    Who cares how many threads there are? This is the first one I've seen. The more threads the more visibility IMO.
  17. WrecklessMEDIC

    Motohelmet load error

    It happens to me every day even if I'm wearing a cowboy hat. Doesn't matter if I'm running out in the middle of nowhere with nobody else on the server.
  18. Like I said, it's a preference. Some players like myself are just better with a controller. Even if it defies your logic it's still true. ;)
  19. It's a lot more intuitive and precise IMO. Depends on your playstyle though. Some people are just better with a controller than a keyboard/mouse setup.
  20. WrecklessMEDIC

    Carrying 2 rifles in DayZ

    I typically carry a pistol and a sawed off shotgun in my bags, a fireaxe and LRS equipped Mosin on my back and an M4 in my hands. I have lost that M4 numerous times due to server restarts after I've put it down to eat or scope out a city with the Mosin. Kinda pisses me off but then I just run back to one of the military bases and grab a new one. :P
  21. WrecklessMEDIC

    Remove night-time for now, until it's fixed?

    If they added realistic moonlight then nighttime might be playable. Until then it's pretty ridiculous IMHO. :)Edit: Actually I do just stick to daytime servers. Twilight and dawn are pretty cool but eventually it just gets too dark.
  22. WrecklessMEDIC

    Remove night-time for now, until it's fixed?

    In all fairness nighttime in DayZ is way, way, waaaay darker than nighttime in real life. It's not realistic at all.And as far as that useless flashlight that gives you a pea hole sized FOV they might as well remove those as well.
  23. The day zombies can reliably follow me up stairs will be game changing. Once in a while they make it up to the 2nd floor and it always scares the shit outta me.....lol. :P
  24. WrecklessMEDIC

    Multiple Character Slots

    Not sure if this has been discussed or not but I'd really like to see multiple character slots. I find my playstyles can be quite different depending on who I'm playing with. Recently I've gotten my wife to play and we play very differently then when I'm alone or with my buddies. It would be nice to not have to use my lone wolf survivalist when my friends want to go terrorize Electro or Berezino. Anyways just a thought.
  25. WrecklessMEDIC

    Multiple Character Slots

    As others have said locking our characters to a single server would eliminate those potential exploits. It would also eliminate server hopping. I'm okay with that.