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Everything posted by WrecklessMEDIC

  1. WrecklessMEDIC

    Question about the certainty of this game

    It'll never be technically "finished". They could call it Beta next month and sell a retail copy by Christmas if they wanted too. They could also take 5 more years keeping it in Alpha if they felt like it, but they're not retarded. The core of the game is done. They're just fine tuning things and adding more features. It'll be ready when it's ready and there's no reason to worry..........yet. ;)
  2. WrecklessMEDIC

    new night time lighting

    "pussies in a video game" Nothing's more manly than a guy who plays video games. It's right up there with lumberjack and marine.
  3. WrecklessMEDIC

    new night time lighting

    Looking through a 3 inch circle of light is not realistic or logical.
  4. WrecklessMEDIC

    new night time lighting

    No it doesn't. Unless you have terrible eyesight maybe.
  5. WrecklessMEDIC

    new night time lighting

    Actually, he's right. I work in Northern Canada and even on a fully overcast night with no moon, no stars and no artificial light source your eyes can adapt very quickly to the dark. Within 20-30 mins you can make out quite a bit and find your way around without much trouble. The pitch black version of DayZ nighttime was completely unrealistic. I'm glad they fixed it.
  6. WrecklessMEDIC

    new night time lighting

    Looks a thousand times better! Thank god. The old night was brutal. People might actually play on night servers now. I know I will.
  7. WrecklessMEDIC

    Heli crash sites gone?

    So much anger. I sense much fear in you. :(
  8. Sorry, my bad. Apparently you couldn't tell that I was joking either.
  9. "Just because those who play Lamecore are more likely to suck a bag of dicks shouldn't mean they should be looked upon differently." I don't think you understand what the word tolerance means.
  10. WrecklessMEDIC

    Do you want the new version of NEAF?

    Ahhh..... gotcha. I must just have really bad luck then whenever I stop by there. Never found anything that valuable. Irregardless, I do like the new design of the civilian airport. :)
  11. WrecklessMEDIC

    Do you want the new version of NEAF?

    What's the difference in loot between the old NEAF ATC tower and the new civilian one? All I ever found in the military one were the occasional gun parts. Very rarely would I find everything I needed to make a fully kitted out weapon. The Balota airfield and tents on the other hand have waaaay more gear and way less competition.
  12. As a predominantly 3PP player I would have no problem with this. That seems to be the 1PP players number one argument and I can agree to that kind of fix. :)
  13. You just don't get it do you? I never said we "cam over walls to make sure everything is clear". I said when you're running around in 3PP you will inherently see over walls depending on the angle. Even if you're 50-100 yards away from the wall in an open field you will see over it if the slope is high enough. Doesn't matter if you're in 3PP or 1PP. Now with 4th wall you will see zombies appearing and disappearing depending on the angles. That makes the game look stupid. 4th wall is not a fix. Think of something better.
  14. WrecklessMEDIC

    Do you want the new version of NEAF?

    It looks awesome, but I don't see how this will change anything. It looks like you will find just as much gear as in the old airfield. Just a different aesthetic setup. I never really liked the NEAF airfield anyways. Too many players and not enough gear to be worth the risk.
  15. I'd have to disagree. DayZ is not a competitive game IMO. There is no way to "win". It's just the story of your own personal journey in the game.
  16. Sorry, it's not the same thing. 4th wall doesn't work because while you're running around in 3PP it may look like the streets are clear when in fact they are not. It would give you a false sense of security and potentially cause you to run into a zombie horde without realizing they're even there. You might think you're imagining things or that the zombies are glitching as they appear and disappear at random. 4th wall just makes the game look stupid.
  17. When you're running around in 3rd person you're inherently going to see over and around objects whether you're trying to exploit it or not. That is what you're FOV is used to seeing. Now all of a sudden you're going to have zombies appearing and disappearing from seemingly out of nowhere as you move around? I've seen enough videos of the so-called "4th wall fix" and it looks retarded. They simply won't implement it in the Standalone. You're going to need another solution because the 4th wall isn't it.
  18. Actually using the 4th wall makes the 3PP camera view extremely shitty. Zombies appearing and disappearing out of nowhere is not a solution.
  19. I typically shoot in 3rd person. It's not terribly accurate, but it's a lot faster to shoot from the hip IMO.
  20. If you can't play the game because the vast majority like using 3rd person and you don't, you don't have to play the game either.
  21. Here's a better solution: Remove 1st person view altogether. Make everyone play in 3rd person to be fair. Problem solved.
  22. The "4th wall fix" is a terrible solution. Looks absolutely ridiculous in practice and won't ever be implemented in the Standalone. Maybe after they allow mods in but that's pushing it.
  23. Honestly, I never go to the NEAF because it's a simple "risk vs reward" scenario. There's waaaay more lootz at Balota airfield and you're way less likely to run into someone else. Sure it's further away but ever since they added the tents again it's been amazing! :)
  24. WrecklessMEDIC

    Make mics a requirement.

    Terrible idea. Most players don't use them. Even if you were somehow able to "force" mics in to play, that doesn't mean players will talk. They could just plug it in, say "DayZ" to start the game then take it off and put it on the coffee table. Pointless :(