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Everything posted by WrecklessMEDIC

  1. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    If 3PP is an "exploit", then World of Warcraft is the most successful "exploitable" game in the world. :)
  2. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Well if it was up to me (and obviously it's not) the image of DayZ would be that of a zombie-survival-horror MMO that is predominantly played in 3rd person view with elements of a 1st person shooter. That is what attracted me to the game in the first place and I'm sure I'm not alone. The reason a lot of us prefer playing in 3rd person is not for any tactical advantage, but it's so that we can identify and relate to our character more. It makes dying in DayZ far more meaningful when you care about your character. You don't get that feeling when you play in 1st person. At least I don't.
  3. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    25% based on a poll of hardcore DayZ players that use the forums. One could argue the ones answering the poll are the only ones who even care. Which means 999,950 players want 3PP left alone. :P
  4. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Sorry, I edited my post to 25% to better suit your "poll". Either way 25% of forum users liking 3PP left alone is substantial. I can't even fathom how many players that aren't actually complaining about it and just playing it as is. ;)
  5. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    So just from your numbers alone (which are fairly biased) we can see 25% want to leave 3PP just the way it is.Now imagine how many players out of 1 million that are happily playing in 3PP that don't check the forums. I think it's pretty obvious that the majority would gladly leave it alone with no "fix". I'm actually surprised that many forum users chose to leave 3PP as is. 25% is quite high. :)
  6. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    First option: 4th Wall Terrible idea. Looks ridiculous Second option: Camera replacement Not as bad. But still looks stupid. Sorry :(
  7. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Keep it simple: I prefer to play mostly 1PP I prefer to play mostly 3PP
  8. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    From all of the videos I've seen the 4th wall idea looks absolutely terrible IMO. I would definitely not be willing to play with that kind of restriction enforced. If there were any so-called "fixes" ever implemented I would only agree to things like forced 1PV while prone. And that's really pushing it from the perspective of a 3PV advocate.
  9. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    It's not up to you either, honestly. Just because you think PvP with 3PP is shit doesn't mean everyone feels that way. There are countless games that are 3PP oriented with entertaining PvP.
  10. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Those polls are ridiculously flawed and don't give an accurate representation of the playerbase in the least. Even the server population numbers could be considered flawed but they are FAR more reliable than a biased poll. Just face it. You're in the minority no matter how hard you try to spin it.
  11. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Using your CoD analogy, the vast majority of players use those perks and enjoy playing that way. The fact that there is a small group that would kick players from servers for using perks because it's not "hardcore" enough for them is ridiculous. That's the definition of an elitist player right there.The same thing goes for trying to remove 3rd person view. It's ridiculous considering most players don't take video games nearly as seriously as you do.
  12. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Sorry, the polls don't indicate that 1st person players are the majority at all. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you. :(
  13. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    100 participants in a poll? Wow! Out of nearly a million players? I'm sure that's accurate. :P
  14. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    You sure about that, champ? Might wanna reconsider. :P
  15. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    He makes a lot of good points though and I applaud him for it. :)
  16. WrecklessMEDIC

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    The exact same thing could be said for 1st person players. Nobody is forcing them to play in 1PV. It's a choice and small group of players like the immersion and realism of playing that way. But you don't HAVE to play that way. It's your choice because you "like it".
  17. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    Sorry, but you could argue the advantages and disadvantages for both sides forever. You keep saying our only argument is that we "like it" in 3PP and that's not valid in your opinion. At the end of the day that's the same reason you play in 1PP. Because you "like it". You feel like it's more immersive and realistic and that's why you like it that way. It's all a matter of personal preference. You don't have to play in first person, but you do because you "like it". On a basic level that's the only reason that matters. We don't judge you for that, so you shouldn't judge others for the same thing.
  18. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    People playing 1st person doesn't mean they can't deal with it being removed. Again, could go either way. ;)
  19. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    There's no reason they couldn't remove 1st person until then either if they wanted to. Door swings both ways on that one.
  20. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    Sorry my bad. So it's a poll based on 0.6% of the playerbase. Much better. ;)
  21. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    So out of more than 500,000 players you found a poll that samples 5000 of them? You're right! That's way more accurate than what the servers are showing. :P
  22. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    Did you just admit 1st person servers are empty because you're the minority? And that you're trying to force your views for the same reason? Well done. ;)
  23. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    That's like saying it's unfair if one player walks into a room when the other guys back is turned and they're both in FPV. Obviously one player will always have an advantage regardless of their FOV. :D
  24. WrecklessMEDIC

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    I watched it and I'm still not convinced removing 3PV is a good idea at all. If it's a 1PV player vs a 3PV player then yes the 3PV player has an advantage.So they have 3 choices on what to do: A ) Remove 1PV entirely from the game B ) Remove 3PV entirely from the game or C ) Leave it as is If they did either A or B they would piss off way too many people. If they kept it the way it is only a VERY small number will continue to be frustrated. You can't eliminate one side of the playerbase. All you can do is compromise. That's why they added 1PV only servers.
  25. WrecklessMEDIC

    Whats BattleEye Anticheat?

    Whoa! Calm down there champ. He was just asking a question. ;)