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About clodan

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Look me up in facebook: Alejandro Bentivengo (probably the onlyone you will find)
  1. watch this: http://www.own3d.tv/livepopout/zexplicit_366217 get angry man... now hackers livesteam themselves cheating... this is unvelivable...
  2. clodan

    Idiot streaming

    just me or that guy is livestreaming himself cheating?
  3. clodan

    Hacking or something?

    you were shooting the ground or the stair case.. it happened to me too.
  4. clodan

    [DayZMod] Do you have an API?

    Man, what kind of machine do u use to host DayZ? for christ... if u have so many players just buy a fucking Mainframe... problem solved!
  5. clodan

    fire fight {video}

    try to get another weapon :/ i rather use a revolver than the MP5...
  6. clodan

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    it would be awesome to implement a new system in which if someone post again something related to starting the game with a weapon, he gets autobanned for life... i hate this threads... there are always noobs that keep pushing on this.. and it WONT HAPPEN!!! SO STOP CREATING THREADS COMPLAINTING ABOUT THIS!!!
  7. clodan

    Two Kills in Stary @ 820m and 460m

    you know this is not ment to be a PvP game right? and that killing people for fun is not realistic right?
  8. Truth, the man speaks... cooperate, we must.
  9. my specs are below... for me the game works 100% perfect, if u can check one of my posts: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters try checking the init parameters... some that will improve performance are: -maxMem / -cpuCount / -exThreads I use those 3 and the performance is remarcably awesome...
  10. clodan

    Be quiet on the bus [Video]

    bump ftw! hilarious!!
  11. clodan

    High Stakes Ambush - M203 Double Kill

    good shot man!
  12. clodan

    Zed Survival tips.

    can everyone please stop making this useless guides? no one knows the situation you might be in, so this guides are a complete waste of time man XD the only way you guys have to learn about this game is diving in and die a thousand times....